周愚文Chou, Yu-Wen林詩雅Lin, Shih-Ya2023-12-082022-09-262023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ed11b9b1bb358d37260d11ec29befaaf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119484中國傳統並無「學校衛生」的概念,因此本文主要研究近代西方「學校衛生」概念與有關措施如何引入晚清中國。研究發現晚清時中文「衛生」二字出現意義轉變,「學校衛生」借用新式衛生概念傳入晚清中國。本研究採用史學方法,透過對史料蒐集與分析,發現西方近代的「衛生」及「學校衛生」概念與措施,分別是透過英國傳教士傅蘭雅所譯《孩童衛生編》和《幼童衛生編》及日人三島通良《學校衛生學》譯作和吳汝綸親聽三島通良筆記的引介。研究發現,傅蘭雅所翻譯的衛生教科書,從個人身體衛生的角度,討論飲食的種類、水、灰和鹽開始介紹,再說明身體各個部位的構造。三島通良的學校衛生理念以公眾衛生的角度,討論校地的選擇、校舍的建築、教室的構造、採光、換氣、暖室方法、桌椅的選擇,學校內可能會出現的疾病、校醫的設置,以及教師教授體操活動和教授的方法。分析《欽定學堂章程》後發現,已有關於衛生的敘述;《奏定學堂章程》直接出現「學校衛生」四字及有關維持「學校衛生」的規定,這些主要來自當時日本的教育法令規章,而其又是受到三島通良的影響,另外有些與傅蘭雅的觀點相近;而《奏定女子學堂章程》,則維持奏定章程的概念與措施。至於實施狀況,由清《學部官報》所刊地方學務調查報告,可看到地方各學堂有關學校衛生措施的現況。研究發現其紀錄多流於初步的觀察,其中對於校地的選用和校舍的改建,以舊書院改建最多,又多數記錄詳細,且多為不合格;關於體育,大多數中等以下學堂內已有體操課;此外,也會注意課桌椅、採光、校醫設置等問題,故晚清「學校衛生」推動之初,遇到許多困難。There is no concept of “school health” in ancient China. The aim of this is to explore how the modern concept and practices of school health were introduced into late Qing China. Itfound that the meaning of sanitation in Chinese has changed in late Qing, and new term, school health, borrowed an idea of modern hygiene from the west.This study uses the historical method. Through the collection and analysis of primary and secondary resources, it found that the modern ideas and practices of public health and school health were introduced by translated works, such as the British missionary John Fryer’s Health for Little Folks and Lessons in Hygiene, and the Japanese doctor Michiyoshi Mishima’s School Health.Fryer, from the perspective of personal health, focused on the types of diet, water, ash, and salt, and then explained the structures and functions of the body. As for Mishima discussed the school health from the perspective of public health, including topics such as the choice of school site, school buildings, and the structure, lighting, ventilation, and heating of classrooms, the selection of desks, diseases prevention, school doctors, and gymnastics teaching.By analyzing the contents of three School Regulations promulgated by the Qing government, it found that idea of modern hygiene had already emerged in School Regulations 1902, and the term, “school health” and related rules for maintaining hygiene were regulated in Presented School Regulations 1904, which was mainly borrowed from Japan and affected by Mishima. Similar regulations were found in the Women's School Regulations 1907. As to their implementation, through the report of inspecting local schools published in the Gazette of the Ministry of Education, it found that the most of records about school health were brief and superficial. Regarding the selection of campus sites and the reconstruction of school building which used the old academies, most unqualified. As to physical education, gymnastics were already taught at elementary and secondary schools. In addition, the issues of desks and chairs, lighting, and school doctors were emphasized. Therefore, the promotion of “school health” in late Qing China still had many difficulties.學校衛生新式學堂三島通良晚清學制School HealthNew-type SchoolMishima MichiyoshiLate QingSchool System晚清學堂學校衛生的萌芽The Emerge of School Health at Elementary and Secondary Schools in Late Qing Chinaetd