蘇憲法Hsien-Fa,Su曾美玲Mei-Ling,Tseng2020-12-102016-8-262020-12-102014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099603108%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115064舞蹈與繪畫是藝術表現之原始起源之最好例證;藝術是心靈的反映,繪畫作品須心眼手合一方能展現自我風貌,繪畫是透過視覺而愉悅人。舞蹈的本體是心靈,客體是肢體。將視覺藝術與表演藝術融合,繪畫是最佳的手段之一。為藝不難,難在人心,如同畫人容易畫心難。以舞蹈為題進行繪畫創作在筆者心中醞釀已久,藉此創作研究嘗試以舞者與畫者雙重身分,用跨領域研究方式,試圖從東西方舞蹈史的演進並參考舞蹈美學、符號學及現象學等學理依據,探討這人類最古老的語言—舞蹈的生命意義,亦即是所謂生命的線條。文章的寫作並非藉由理論的支持補足創作的缺失,而是在透過理論的反覆辯證重新自我觀照。 本論文共分五章分述如下 第一章 緒論:包含研究動機、目的、範圍與方法。 第二章 理論基礎:以舞蹈美學、符號學、現象學、拉班記譜法等為本文學理依據 第三章 創作理念與分析:就個人創作的理念從舞蹈起源貫穿本章節。 第四章 創作內容、形式與實踐:從創作思考、作品內容與形式、表現技法三方面,逐一分析說明每件作品。 第五章 結論 回顧研究歷程及對自己創作的省思與未來展望。Dancing and painting are the best evidences of origins of artistic expression, art is the reflection of one’s soul. Painting has to work with his/her eyes, hands, and mind together to deliver his/her self-image, in which to please people through vision. The centre of dancing is the dancer’s spirit, and the object is the body. However, painting which combines with vision and performance is one of the best methods to reflect one’s soul. Art techniques are simple, but the art thinking is difficult. Like painting a portrait is easy, but hard to outline his/her soul inside. I have dedicated myself to the idea to create art with dancing. Being a dancer and a painter at the same time, I hope to explore the meaning of life by dancing, the most ancient human language, via the multidisciplinary researches which includes the development of dance history, aesthetics of dance, semiotics and phenomenology. Writing is to examine oneself from a new angle after filling continuously challenging theories, rather than compensating the pitfalls of one’s creation with the theories supports. This thesis is divided into five chapters, which are as follows: Chapter One : Introduction, including research motives, purposes, boundaries, and methods. Chapter Two : The supporting theories of my creation. On the theories of dancing aesthetics, semiotics, phenomenology, Labanotation and other theoretical basis. Chapter Three : Concept and analysis of my creation. Throughout this chapter, readers will find that the central ideas of my creation were originated from dancing. Chapter Four :Interpretation of my creation. I will interpret each part of my creation in light of three aspects: thoughts on my artistic creation, the substance and form of each work, and the technique of expression. Chapter Five :Conclusion,to review the process of executing this research, the reflections and expectations from the author’s own creations.舞蹈美學身體線條異質同構Aesthetics of DanceBodyLineHeterogeneous Isomorphism生命的線條—「舞」之創作研究The Lines of Life—A Study of Dancing