林賢參Lin, Hsien-Sen卓敏Cho, Min2019-08-282018-08-022019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060483053I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85838安倍晉三-充滿話題性的政治人物,出身雄厚的政治世家,兩度擔任日本首相,就任時間洽好都在日中關係惡化之時。本論文從現實主義理論觀點來探討,安倍首相兩次面對嚴峻的日中關係下,如何因應中國崛起對日本所形成的威脅,本論文認為,安倍兩次內閣採取的對中安全保障政策截然不同,2006年安倍第一次內閣採取「柔軟避險」政策,目的在與中國建立「戰略互惠關係」,增進日中兩國的政治互信,使日本和中國走向和平發展的道路。2012年安倍第二次內閣對中政策大轉變,改採「強硬避險」政策,分為內外部平衡,內部平衡方面,強化日本國內的經濟、軍事、安全保障等實力,並重新建構外交安全保障的決策體制,以確保政權長久與穩定;外部平衡方面,強化日美同盟的防衛合作,並積極增進與印度、澳洲等友好國家的合縱連橫,更提出「俯瞰地球儀外交」積極拓展與亞太區域國家的合作,以「平衡」中國崛起對日本形成威脅所做的「避險」戰略。未來,中國的對日政策,以及日美同盟的走向,將成為影響日本對中國安全保障政策的關鍵因素。Mr. Shinzo Abe is a controversial political figure and from a distinguished political family. He served twice as Prime Minister of Japan at critical junctures that Japan-China relations deteriorated. This thesis explores from a realism perspective about how Mr. Abe responded to the threat to Japan posed by China’s rise when Japan-China relations were grim. This thesis finds out that the two Abe Cabinets adopted entirely different measures in their security policy on China. The first Abe Cabinet took office in 2006 and adopted a “soft hedging” to establish the “mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests with China.” The purpose of this strategy was also to enhance political mutual trust between Japan and China, making the two nations move forward on a road of peaceful development. The second Abe Cabinet took office in 2012 and greatly changed its foreign policy on China to a “hard hedging”, including internal and external balance. In internal balance, it focused on improving Japan's domestic strengths in economy, military, and security. It also re-constructed Japan’s decision-making system in diplomatic security to ensure a long-term and stable regime. In external balance, it aimed at strengthening defense cooperation of Japan-US Alliance and actively promoting Japan’s horizontal and vertical strategic alliances with friendly nations like India and Australia. And the second Abe Cabinet also proposed its “Diplomacy That Takes a Panoramic Perspective of the World Map” to actively improve Japan’s cooperation with Asia-Pacific countries. This policy was to balance a hedging strategy adopted for responding to the threat to Japan posed by China’s rise. In the future, China’s foreign policy on Japan and Japan-US Alliance development will be a key factor affecting Japan’s security policy on China.安倍晉三日本對中政策日美同盟避險戰略印度太平洋Shinzo AbeJapan’s China PolicyJapan-U.S. AllianceHedging StrategyIndo-Pacific安倍晉三內閣對中安全保障政策Japan’s Security Policy towards China under the Abe Cabinee