王如哲魯先華韓宜娟2019-08-282011-7-262019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697000079%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90175台灣的高等教育受到全球化與市場化的影響,加上國內少子女化的情形日益嚴重,高等教育開放並走向國際招生,2010年開放陸生來台就讀大學及研究所已立法通過,於2011年正式上路,而開放大陸來台交換生已行之有年,因此本研究之研究對象以大陸來台交換生為主,研究目的在於了解大陸交換學生在台灣求學期間的就學動機與生活適應情形,以作為未來對大陸招生之方向,且能進一步有效協助大陸學生適應環境。根據研究結果與發現,對我國大學院校與教育行政機關提出相關建議。 為達研究目的,研究者使用問卷調查進行研究,以2011年大陸來台灣之交換學生為研究樣本,有效樣本為272人,調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等進行分析。 研究主要發現包括下列幾點: 1.研究對象之就學動機多屬「內控取向」,最主要的原因是「參加特殊專案(交換學生)」與「基於自己的興趣考量」。 2.就學動機與居住情形有顯著差異,住在學校的研究對象之就學動機比在外租屋的就學動機還要強烈。 3.就學動機越高,生活適應越好,其中又以內控取向就學動機者,生活適應最佳。但是內控取向的就學動機者就學動機越高,其「家庭生活壓力」及「其他無法歸類壓力」越大。 4.學校課業生活壓力為主要壓力源,最困擾的事情為「兩岸長期分隔造成彼此的刻板印象」。 5.因應方式以「邏輯思考正向情緒」的因應方式為主,但在面對「感情與人際生活壓力」時,當感情與人際生活壓力越大,遇到關於這方面的困擾越多時,研究對象越不會用邏輯思考的正向情緒來面對。其中又以交互取向就學動機者採取「邏輯思考正向情緒」的因應方式最多。 6.採用「怪罪他人負向情緒」、「責怪自己」的因應方式者生活適應差;且內控取向就學動機者較少採取「怪罪他人負向情緒」之因應方式。 7.母親的教育程度影響研究對象的家庭生活壓力,尤以母親教育程度為國中、國小者,其家庭生活壓力越大。 8.法商學院的研究對象最常採用「尋求協助與溝通」的因應方式;又以三年級的學生常使用「逃避現實轉移注意力」之因應方式。 9.就學動機越高者,其生活適應越好,且居留在台灣的時間越長,越能快速找到合適的因應方式。This study is to examine the learning motivation and the adjustment problems facing the students from China in Taiwan. According to the research findings and conclusions, are made some suggestions for the universities and educational administration. To reach this purpose, the questionnaire survey was employed. All universities with the students who come from China, and 272 samples were collected with a self-administrated questionnaire. The method used to analyze the data were percentage, average value, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The most important learning motivation of going to Taiwan for study is "internal control orientation," and the reasons are "to participate in special projects (exchange student)" and "based on their interest considerations." 2.Students who living in the dormitories have more strong learning motivation than renting out the school. 3.The higher learning motivation, adapting to life as possible, among which the internal control-oriented learning motivation, life is the best fit. 4.Schoolwork pressure as the main source of stress, the most disturbing thing for the "cross-strait separating cause long-term mutual stereotypes." 5."Logical thinking positive emotions," is the main way of coping. 6.A "reproach the negative emotions of others", "self- reproach" approach by adapting to life in response to poor. 7.Mother's educational level affects the study of family life stress. Mother's education in elementary school level has more family pressure. 8.Law and Business students most commonly used "for assistance with communication," coping. 9.Students with higher learning motivations have higher adjustment, and the longer they stay in Taiwan, the more quickly they find the right way of coping.陸生就學動機生活適應students from China in Taiwanlearning motivationadjustment陸生來台就學動機與生活適應The Learning Motivation and the Adjustment of Students from China in Taiwan