廖鳳瑞劉家宇2019-08-282014-07-252019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699060279%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87128本研究旨在瞭解教保人員對幼兒園園長內部行銷的看法現況,包括園長進行內部行銷的步驟、管道及要素,以自編「私幼幼兒教保人員對園長內部行銷看法之問卷」進行。研究對象為173位臺北市與新北市私立幼兒園之教保服務人員。並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、積差相關及階層迴歸進行資料分析。重要研究發現如下: 一、教保人員對園長內部行銷實施要素(溝通授權的環境、關懷激勵、專業成長)的看法中,以「專業成長」平均分數最高,「關懷激勵」最低;園長最常使用的內部行銷管道為「口語對話」。 二、教保人員的背景變項與園長內部行銷看法有相關:(一)發現不同「經營型態」幼兒園服務的教保人員對內部行銷實施要素及溝通態度(園長是否有用正面態度溝通、尊重意見及接受教保人員從不同管道提出想法)有差異,在「連鎖型」與「非營利組織型」幼兒園服務的教保人員對園長內部行銷之看法比在「個人獨立型」服務的教保人員好。(二)「班級數」也是影響教保人員對內部行銷看法的變項之一,發現7-9班的幼兒園教保人員在「內部行銷要素整體看法」、「溝通授權的環境」與「關懷激勵」看法上普遍比其他班級數的園低,顯示此班級數的幼兒園園長在這三方面的內部行銷並不能獲得教保人員更多支持。 三、教保人員每週與園長談話時間對內部行銷整體及各要素呈正相關,顯示談話時間愈長,教保人員對於園長內部行銷整體及各三要素的看法愈能獲得較多正面支持。但,一般而言,大多數教保人員每週與園長談話時間少於1小時,其中又以教職員數與班級數較多的幼兒園,園長和教保人員談話時間最少。 四、園長的溝通態度與內部行銷整體及各要素有中、高程度的正相關:在控制背景變項、談話時間、管道類型及溝通態度後,發現園長的溝通態度對教保人員在園長內部行銷看法的預測力最高,其次是談話時間,至於園長使用管道類型的多寡,則並非影響對園長內部行銷看法的關鍵。 根據以上研究發現,本研究在園長談話時間、溝通態度,以及針對個人獨立型和7-9班的幼兒園提出建議,作為實務工作者及未來研究之參考。The purpose of this study is to discuss teachers’ views about kindergarten principal’s internal marketing. Using steps, channels and essentials of internal marketing are included. The study used a questionnaire that named “teachers’ views about principal’s internal marketing in private kindergarten” by self-edited. The samples were 173 teachers who working at private kindergartens in Taipei City and New Taipei City. The data of questionnaire were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and hierarchical regression. The important findings of research: 1.In essentials of principal’s internal marketing (“environment of communication and power”, “concern and encourage” and “professional development”), “professional development” is the highest score of average and “concern and encourage” is the lowest. In steps of principal’s using internal marketing’s channels, “face-to-face” is the most commonly used channel. 2.About teachers’ views with different backgrounds to principal’s internal marketing. First, “management types” of kindergartens have significant differences in essentials of principal’s internal marketing and communication attitude (including principal can talk to teachers with a positive attitude, respect for teachers’ opinions and accept opinions when teachers use various channels) , then teachers who working at kindergarten of chain and non-profit organization, their views were better than working at personal operator’s. Second, numbers of “classes” in different kindergartens also have significant differences. Research found that 7-9 classes in kindergarten, teachers’ views (“whole views of internal marketing essentials”, “environment of communication and power”, “concern and encourage”) were worse than others. That means 7-9 classes in kindergarten, principal’s internal marketing of these three aspects can’t be support by teachers who working in it. 3.Teachers who weekly talking time with principals have positive correlation in whole views of internal marketing essentials and each. That shows if the more talking time longer, the more better to teachers’ views about principals’ internal marketing. But, generally speaking, research is also found that under 1 hour is the most choice when asked teachers how long they talk with principals weekly. Besides, the more employees and classes in kindergartens, the less talking time to teachers with principals. 4.Communication attitude has medium and high positive correlation in whole views of internal marketing essentials and each. After controlling background variables, talking time, communication channels and communication attitude, also found that “communication attitude” could most effectively predict teachers’ views about principals’ internal marketing, the second is weekly talking time. But principals used various or single types of communication channels are not an effective prediction factor to the views about principals’ internal marketing. According to the results, suggestions of “talking time between principal and teacher”, “communication attitude”, kindergarten which management type is “personal operator” and “7-9 classes” were proposed , and gave it to practitioners and future studies.幼兒教保人員幼兒園園長內部行銷kindergarten’s teacherkindergarten’s principalinternal marketing幼兒教保服務人員對園長內部行銷看法之研究Teachers' Views about Kindergarten Principals' Internal Marketing.