鄭湧涇黃璧祈2014-10-272014-10-271992-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17738本研究以「生物教材能力測驗」(BSCT)為研究工具,探索我國職前及在職生物教師之生物教材能力素養概況。研究工具BSCT的內部均質性信度值為 0.80,顯著高於發展該項工具時,以職前教師為樣本所求得之信度值。 研究的結果顯示,職前生物教師的生物教材能力顯著優於在職生物教師(p<0.01)。就在職生物教師而言,主修生物之教師、其生物教材能力顯著優於非主修生物之教師(p<0.01)。在「分子生物學」、「植物學」和「動物學」等三個分測驗方面亦有相同的情形,惟在「生態學」分測驗方面,職前生物教師與主修生物之在職教師,其生物教材能力顯著優於非主修生物之在職教師,而職前生物教師與主修生物之在職教師之間則並無顯著差異。此外,研究的結果亦顯示,生物教材能力與生物教學能力之間有中度相關存在,且生物教材能力較佳的教師,其生物教學能力亦較佳。In this study, the Biology Subject-matter Competency Test (BSCT) was used to investigate the biology subject-matter competency of the preservice (seniors) and inservice junior high biology teachers. The internal consistency reliability of the BSCT was 0.80 for the entire subjects. This value was much higher than that reported in the previous validation study in which students of preservice teacher education program were used as the subjects. Results of the study revealed that preservice biology teachers scored significantly higher on BSCT than biology teachers (p<0.01). Biology teachers who were biology major during undergraduate study scored significantly higher on BSCT than those of non-biology majors (p<0.01). These findings were also found in three of the four subtests, namely, Molecular Biology, Botany, and Zoology. In the Ecology sub-test, both preservice biology teachers and biology major teachers scored significantly higher than those of non-biology majors. However, no statistically significant difference was found between the BSCT scores obtained by preservice teachers and biology major teachers. The results of data analysis further indicated that substantially marked positive correlations were found between biology subject matter competency cores and biology teaching competency scores. The subjects with higher biology subject matter competency scored significantly better n BTCI (Biology Teaching Competency Inventory) than those with lower biology subject matter competency.生物在職教材教師職前職前與在職生物教師的生物教材有關能力研究A Study of the Biology Subject Matter Competency of Preservice and Inservice Biology Teachers