吳榮根葉耀明Wu, Jung-GenYeh, Yao-Ming陳虹儒Chen, Hung-Ju2019-09-052022-12-312019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060447056S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106469根據國際非政府組織(NGO)世界盲人聯盟(World Blind Union)2014年的統計報告,全球約有2.85億位視障者,其中在台灣衛生福利部的身心障礙者人數統報中提及,視障者人數近十幾年來持續成長,因此如何協助視障者在日常生活有更好的體驗將會是重要的議題。 為了提供視覺障礙者在室內空間活動的指引協助,本研究發展一套可以透過智慧型手機感應室內空間安裝的信標感應器,並啟動語音引導資訊的室內導引系統。本系統的介面設計參考英國國家廣播公司 BBC訂定的行動無障礙規範 (Mobile Accessibility Guidelines),提供完整的手勢操作和語音回饋機制以幫助視覺障礙者,在進入陌生的室內環境中能夠獨自前往目的地。本研究使用NoSQL資料庫, Firebase,當作後端資料庫,其使用JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)做為資料交換和儲存之用。本系統使用Model-View-Controller(MVC)的設計理念,使程式碼更簡潔並增強程式的可維護性和擴充性。除此之外,本系統採用文字設定檔之格式來設定場域中信標感應器和引導訊息,以提供本系統場景擴充之用。According to the statistics of the international NGO “World Blind Union”, there are approximately 285 million visual impaired people who are blind or have partially sighted problems globally. The statistics also shows that the population of visual impaired people is growing in Taiwan lately. The demand for developing the assisting scheme for visual impaired people in their daily life is also growing important. This study aims to develop a beacon activated indoor guidance system for visual impaired persons. Based on the “Mobile Accessibility Guidelines” developed by British Broadcasting Corporation, our system provides a vocal feedback mechanism with easy touchscreen gesture design operated with mobile devices which can help instruct the visual impaired people to navigate the indoor spaces area such as department store and office. Our system uses NoSQL database, Firebase, as the backend database which uses JSON JavaScript Object Notation) as the data exchange and storage format. The design model implemented in the system is MVC (Model-View-Control) which provides the system more maintainable and extendable. In order to provide flexible indoor space configuration in the system, we design a text-based space configuration scheme which can support the users to define a new indoor space very easily.視覺障礙信標感應室內導引行動無障礙檢測Visually ImpairedBeaconIndoor GuideMobile Barrier Detection運用信標感應協助視障者室內導引系統Indoor Guide System for the Visual Impaired Using Beacon Sensors