許瀞心Hsu, Ching-Hsin章韶純Chang, Shao-Chun2024-12-172024-08-132024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/59893db8facdf74eda8a90729f4b5dc2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123840孟德爾頌的《最初的沃布爾吉斯之夜》Op. 60是一部包含獨唱、混聲合唱,與管弦樂團的清唱劇。歌詞來自歌德的同名詩作,孟德爾頌於1831年開始創作,1832年初版首演後這部作品被擱置了一段時間,1842年底孟德爾頌開始修改,1843年修訂後的演出大受歡迎,同年樂譜正式出版。「沃布爾吉斯之夜」的形象受到歌德的《浮士德》及其他民間故事影響,一般的認知是「女巫之夜」。但這首敘事詩內容與《浮士德》的場景不同,它是描述在冬天過去、春天來臨的時節,德魯伊教徒們假扮成基督徒害怕的魔鬼,嚇跑基督徒,以便在山上舉行古老的、神聖的祭典。由於敘事詩的內容,加上歌德明示這首詩「具有高度象徵意義」,引發學者討論孟德爾頌選擇這首詩譜寫音樂,是否與他的猶太血統認同有關。本篇論文先介紹孟德爾頌的猶太背景,再介紹歌德詩文的由來以及內容牽涉到的歷史,和孟德爾頌寫作此曲的歷程與想法,然後是研究者對於樂曲的分析,以及指揮詮釋和排練演出經驗,提供日後展演的參考。Mendelssohn's “Die erste Walpurgisnacht” Op. 60 is a cantata for soloists, mixed choir, and orchestra. The lyrics are based on Goethe's poem of the same name. Mendelssohn began composing the piece in 1831; after its premiere in 1832, he set the cantata aside for a decade. Towards the end of 1842, Mendelssohn began making revisions; after the 1843 revision, the performance was well received. The score was officially published the same year. The imagery of “Die erste Walpurgisnacht” is influenced by Goethe’s “Faust” and other folk tales, commonly perceived as a “witches’ night”. However, this work differs from the scenes in “Faust”. It depicts the time when winter is passing and spring is approaching, with the Druids disguising themselves as devils to scare away the Christians, allowing them to hold ancient sacred rituals in the mountains.Due to the content of the poem, and Goethe’s indication that it “has highly symbolic significance”, scholars have discussed whether Mendelssohn’s choice of this text for his musical composition is related to his Jewish identity.This thesis begins with an overview of Mendelssohn and his family's relationship to their Jewish heritage. Next, it explores the origins and historical context of Goethe's poem, as well as Mendelssohn's process and thoughts in composing his cantata based on Goethe's text. A review of the scholarly literature focused on the piece is presented. Finally, the thesis gives an interpretation of the work from the perspective of a conductor, including this author's experience rehearsing the piece. This will serve as a potential guide for future performances.孟德爾頌最初的沃布爾吉斯之夜歌德清唱劇MendelssohnDie erste WalpurgisnachtGoetheCantata孟德爾頌《最初的沃布爾吉斯之夜》作品分析與指揮詮釋The Conducting Interpretation and Analysis of Mendelssohn’s “Die erste Walpurgisnacht”學術論文