張佳榮Chang, Chia-Jung林志宏Lin, Chih-Hung2020-10-192022-02-052020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007594111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/112011時尚服飾產業之產品包羅萬象,上下游廠商無不竭盡全力地研發創新,而本文聚焦於「內在美」市場,探討女性胸罩之時尚產品開發及研究。台灣的內衣市場相對成熟,但是由於內需市場較小,亟待開發國際市場。有鑑於台灣的內衣市場缺乏高技術及高附加價值之胸罩,且面臨立體織物不親膚之痛點,本研究首先藉文獻分析法,透過文獻及專利資料之收集分析為基準,掌握市場現況技術,並透過深入訪談方式,擷取業界經驗、學術知識及技術方法,歸納出最可行之技術切入口,開發高技術及高價值之親膚性3D立體織物。 透過本研究學術及深入訪談之探討,同時引證業界實際製作結果與良好之市場反應,證實3D立體織物以其高品質與低成本之特性成為台灣內衣市場最可行之運用材料。 促使台灣紡織產業可朝向特殊化,差異化,廣泛化邁進創之外,並可創造紡織產業附加價值力及塑造更強大之國際競爭力。The products of the fashion and apparel industry cover an extensive range. All of the suppliers within such industries are struggling for development and innovation. This study focuses on the “inner beauty” market and discusses the development and research of women’s bra fashion products. The underwear market in Taiwan has reached a relatively mature extent but urged to face the international market due to the small domestic demand. Considering the lack of high-tech and high-value-added bras in the underwear market, as well as the pain points of three-dimensional fabric, which is still not skin-friendly in the Taiwan market, this research first employ Document Analysis to collect and analyze related literature and patent data to gain insight into Taiwan’s fabric technology. Besides, this research conducts In-depth Interview to capture industry experience, academic knowledge, and technical methods on purpose to obtain the most feasible technical solution. Such a conclusion has enlightened a promising direction to develop high-tech and high-value skin-friendly 3D three-dimensional fabrics. As the result showed, the feasibility and validation of 3D fabrics bra products have been verified through the literature analysis and the real market response. It is confirmed that 3D fabric could be the best material for the Taiwan underwear market nowadays according to its high quality and low cost. In this way, Taiwan’s textile industry would be able to achieve specialization, differentiation, and broadening, which creates added value and international competitiveness流行時尚女性胸罩在地化親膚性之3D立體織物FashionBraLocalizationSkin friendly spacer探討3D立體織物對時尚產品開發之影響A study on development of fashion products by using three- dimensional (3D)fabric