游進年許淑貞2019-08-282011-2-182019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595002120%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89929本研究旨在透過問卷調查,了解臺北縣新莊區公立國民中學影響家長學校選擇之因素,及不同背景變項的差異情形,並提出相關建議。為達此研究目的,研究者編製「臺北縣公立國民中學家長學校選擇因素之調查問卷」作為研究工具,以新莊區12所公立國民中學7年級家長為施測對象,共發出問卷945份,有效問卷753份,有效問卷回收率為79.7%,以描述統計、獨立本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。 研究發現,臺北縣新莊區國中家長為子女選擇學校時,考量的八個向度因素中,認為學校教育理念最為重要,其次依序是學校專業師資、學生學習成就、就學生活便捷性、學校設備與環境、學校課程教學、子女因素及學校公共關係。家長為子女選擇學校較重視的前五個因素為學校教師教學認真、校園管理的安全性高、學生的行為表現良好、學校重視學生的生活常規、教師的教學品質受肯定。另外,新莊區不同背景的家長對學校選擇因素的重視程度,女性家長在生活便捷取向、課程教學取向、公共關係取向上重視程度皆高於男性家長。高中職及專科的家長對生活便捷取向的重視程度高於國中以下和大學院校教育程度的家長;在公共關係取向是國中以下、高中職的家長重視程度高於大學院校教育程度的家長。從事商及其他職業的家長比從事軍公教與家管的家長重視學校教育理念。子女就讀學區的家長認為生活便捷取向的重要性高於讓子女越區就讀之家長。 根據研究發現,本研究對於教育行政機關、學校及教師提出幾項建議。建議教育行政機關應重視教師專業發展評鑑,提昇教師素質;給予校長辦學空間,重視學校的辦學績效。學校方面則要重視學生的品德教育及學生的生活常規,形塑優良的校風;並且提供優質的安全教育環境,讓孩子可以快樂學習成長;發展學校特色,吸引學區內學生就讀。對於學校教師則需加強親師良好互動、提昇教師專業能力與提昇教學品質、發揮正向管教輔導功能。The purpose of this study was to survey the factors which affect parents’ school choice for public junior high schools and the differences among several background variables in Sin-Jhuang District at Taipei County; thus, the study provides related recommendations. In order to achieve the goal, the researcher developed a sample questionnaire called “The Factors of School Choice for the Junior High School Parents in Sin-Jhuang District at Taipei County.” The objects of the study, parents of 7th grade students, were chosen from 12 public junior high schools in Sin-Jhuang District. A total of 945 surveys were distributed. There were 753 valid data with 79.7% of responding rate. The statistical methods selected to analyze the data in this study were descriptive statistics, independent T-test, and one-way ANOVA. The study found that the parents for choosing junior high schools in Sin-Jhuang District at Taipei County consider 8 different orientations. The most important is the school’s goal for students’ education. It follows by the level of professionalism of faculty, the performance of students, the convenience of school environment, equipment and environment of the school, the educational materials, student’s own preferences, and the public relations. Parents pay more attention for the following 5 factors. It begins with the attitude of faculties toward education, the level of campus safety, the manners of the students, the focus of school’s goal in students’ behaviors, and the performance of the faculties. In addition, due to various backgrounds, the study also showed difference from the surveys. Female parents have higher preference than the male parents in the convenience of the environment, the focus of educational materials, and the public relations. Moreover, parents who finished high school have higher preference than those finished junior high school and college in the convenience of the environment. Furthermore, parents finished high school pay more attention toward the public relation of the schools than those finished junior high school and vocational school. In addition, parents working in military, government or school pay less attention to the school’s goal for students’ education than those who own business or other occupations. Lastly, the convenience of getting to school is more important to parents who have children attending school within their districts than those parents whose children are from out of districts. Some recommendations are provided for education administrative authorities, schools, and faculties based on the information found in the study. First of all, the researcher suggests that the education administrative authorities pay more attention to the development of professional evaluation of faculties and to empower school principals for developing better education. For schools, student’s manners in everyday life and the reputation should be the focuses. Having a high safety schools leads to students’ positive learning. Developing unique characteristic of the school attracts more students within the district to attend. For faculties, they should maintain positive relationship with the parents, continue to learn knowledge in teaching fields, increase the quality of teaching, and helping students on the right track.家長學校選擇選擇學校因素ParentsSchool choiceFactors of school choic臺北縣新莊區國民中學家長學校選擇因素之研究The Factors of School Choice for the Junior High School Parents