陳光華陳雅琦Kuang-Hua ChenYa-Chi Chen2014-10-272014-10-272001-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15365本研究主要為建立「臺灣人文學引用文獻資料庫」(THCI),資料庫收錄之期刊共計314種,本期計畫先以民國87年出版之期刊,開始進行引用文獻的建檔工作,至於被引文獻方面,則主要取自於來源文獻的註釋或參考書目,為了採用一致的方式建置資料庫,我們對於不同類型的文獻資料建立個別之政策規範。THCI的建置系統分為前端輸入系統及後端資料庫系統兩部份。後端資料庫為資料實際儲存之處,依據資料的特性將所有的資料劃分成五個資料表,並依照關聯式資料庫管理系統的原理建立資料表之間的關聯。前端介面系統則為工作人員建置資料時所使用之輸入系統,透過人文學研究中心的內部網路與後端資料庫進行連結。THCI亦可提供外界透過WWW瀏覽器查詢,其基本之檢索功能包括:篇名關鍵字檢索、作者檢索、期刊文獻檢索、引用文獻檢索、文獻被引用檢索、作者被引用檢索等。此外,還可查詢期刊之引用文獻次數(Citation Times)、作者被引用次數、影響係數(Impact Factor)、立即引用指數(Immediacy Index)、自我引用率(Self-Citing Rate)、被自我引用率(Self-Cited Rate)等。T he goal of this study is to construct "Taiwn Humanities Citation Index" (THCI). The number of indexed journals in THCI at the very beginning of this study is 314, which are published in 1998. In order to mooth the process of construction of THCI, many different policies covering types of publications, format of date, format of name, genre of languages, etc. are identified and formulated. The system of THCI consists of back-end database and front-end interface. The database system consists of five relational tables to store various related citation data. The front-end interface is used for data-keying system. In order to provide online services, a 3-tier architecture is constructed for WWW-based retrieval services. Two kinds of functions are identified and constructed. One is basic retrieval service including author retrieval, etc. The other is advanced citation service, including impact factor, immediacy index, self-citing rate, self-cited rate, and so on.引用文獻索引引文索引科學引用文獻索引社會科學引用文獻索引藝術暨人文學引用文獻索引臺灣科學引用文獻索引臺灣人文學引用文獻索引Citation indexSCISSCIA&HCITSCITHCI臺灣人文學引用文獻資料庫之建置The Construction of Taiwan Humanities Citation Index