梁桂嘉Liang, Kuei-Chia俞冠伶Yu, Kuan-Ling2024-12-172024-08-122024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6a4eda3e6261e8d876473402208de17e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123500隨著傳播科技與互聯網的進步,個人資訊的流通變得更加迅速便利,這也促使早期傳統求職方式的變革,網路求職進而崛起。而網路人力銀行的蓬勃發展,儼然成為現代求職者獲取招聘訊息的重要途徑與求職的主要管道。而新興科技的發展及設計思潮與時俱進,不僅帶動網站形式的變更,使其類型越發多元,使用者在瀏覽或搜尋資訊上也變得更為快速方便;然而,根據研究顯示,網站在強調功能與使用性的同時,其介面視覺的呈現亦會影響使用者對網站是否實用的初步感知,進而產生使用率、愉悅性及實用性等回饋反應。由於身處邁入數位化轉型的時代,新興技術的創新應用為數位工具帶來許多改變,現代人越來越注重便捷及優良的數位體驗,故本研究將以服務設計的角度探討設計人力銀行網站介面的過程,首先針對國內外各三個求職網站進行案例分析,歸納網站介面易視性之原則;接著以問卷調查的方式,初步理解民眾使用人力銀行網站的概況與需求偏好,並規劃人物誌、使用者旅程地圖,從中深入探討使用者的行為模式與遇到的痛點,進而發想設計概念。最後根據研究結果,嘗試提出解決痛點及滿足使用者需求的創新介面設計原型「GooJob+」,並藉由易用性測試與訪談之回饋,針對介面進行迭代,以提出介面改善之建議。綜合上述,本研究提供人力銀行網站介面之設計流程建議,以期對未來從事相關業者進行網站設計的實務應用時有參考價值。With the advancement of communication technology and the internet, the circulation of personal information has become faster and more convenient, prompting a transformation in traditional job-seeking methods and the rise of online job searches. The thriving development of online job banks has become an important avenue and primary channel for modern job seekers to obtain recruitment information. The development of emerging technologies and the evolving design trends have not only led to changes in website formats, making them more diverse, but also made it faster and more convenient for users to browse or search for information. However, research shows that while websites emphasize functionality and usability, the visual presentation of the interface also influences users' initial perception of the site's practicality, leading to feedback on usage rates, pleasure, and practicality. In this era of digital transformation, the innovative application of emerging technologies has brought many changes to digital tools, making modern people increasingly value convenient and excellent digital experiences. Therefore, this study will explore the process of designing job bank website interfaces from the perspective of service design. It will first analyze three job-seekingwebsites both domestically and internationally to summarize the principles of interface visibility. Then, through questionnaire surveys, it will preliminarily understand the general usage and preference of job bank websites among the public, and plan personas and user journey maps to delve into users' behavior patterns and pain points, thereby brainstorming design concepts. Finally, based on the research results, it will attempt to propose innovative interface design prototypes “GooJob+” that address pain points and meet user needs, and iteratively improve the interface through usability testing and interview feedback, offering interface improvement suggestions. In summary, this study provides design process recommendations for job bank websites' interfaces, hoping to offer reference valuefor future practitioners in website design.使用者介面設計使用者經驗設計服務設計網頁設計網路人力銀行user interface designuser experience designservice designwebsite designemployment website以服務設計思維探討臺灣人力銀行網站介面設計To Explore the Website User Interface of Taiwan Job Bank from the Perspective of Service Design學術論文