潘淑滿Pan, Shu-Man宋碧蓮Sung, Pi-Lien2019-08-282020-08-242019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060138015F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85978全球化趨勢之下,頻繁的文化交流及國際活動,加上台灣非政府組織陸續在海外直接服務據點,派駐跨境工作者到當地提供服務。對跨境服務的工作者來說,經歷著不同社會與文化的情境脈絡,生活及工作面臨不同的與衝擊,也挑戰自身生活適應與價值觀的調適。為了更瞭解跨境工作者如何看待這樣的歷程並提供服務,本研究訪問六位跨境工作者,從其服務經驗瞭解跨境服務的樣貌、可能的困境與因應策略,並從實務及制度上提出建議。本研究發現如下: 一、 文化差異考驗跨境工作者的調適能力 工作者必須快速習慣異域的生活習慣、風俗民情跟生活樣態,重新學習新的行為模式與思考邏輯,以接受、尊重、接納、學習的心態,不預設任何立場,順應文化差異與改變,再次找出新的工作方法、溝通方式,並意識到內在價值觀對於跨境服務工作的影響性。 二、組織及社會支持有助於工作者的適應 除了既有的社交圈,重新建立在當地社交關係,透過正式如會議、拜訪、合作約定等,或是非正式如諮詢、聚會等交流方式,讓工作者獲得情感支持。組織更應該給予專業與情感支持,從職前訓練、實地實習、組織督導、跨組織交流、團體工作坊、持續進修培訓等方式建立工作者的專業能力培育、情感交流、意見交換、問題解決的機會。 三、經驗累積讓工作理念更成熟 跨境工作者快速融入跨境服務的情境與步調,必須兼具專業能力、彈性及高抗壓性、高使命度,更須重新建立的生活方式,不斷反覆經歷調適的挑戰歷程,讓跨境工作者產生更加自信、成熟的做法,並具有堅韌、正向的心態,勇於反思並察覺自身狀態。 據此,本研究建議工作者本身做好行前心理準備,具有充足的抗壓性,須建立社會支持系統,拓展新的社交圈,並增進自我覺察的能力,加強文化敏感度及正向自我肯定。建議組織應該提升專業督導效能、建立支持團體、建立跨組織交流平台,並持續累積跨境服務的專業度與發展性。 關鍵字:跨境工作、國際社會工作、國際援助、文化調適Under the influence of globalization, strengthened the frequency of cultural interactive and activities. Taiwanese NGOs keep establishing the new oversea service center, sending cross-border workers all over the world providing the services overseas. For cross-border workers, they might experience different social and cultural impacts, self-adaption and value were conflicted by local life and working environment. To study how do they conceived this kind of experience, this study interviewed six cross-border workers, tried to be practical and give recommendation through understanding cross-border services in every angles and any possible difficulties, we found: First, the differences of cultural experiences might be the major challenge for cross-border worker Workers needs to went native as quickly as possible, learning a whole new action pattern and be logical thinking to accept, adapt them. There is no room for old mind setting to resist this new changes, however, we request the workers to be more acceptance and tolerance, to self-review their own inner senses of value. Second, social and organizational supports are the good help for adaption to the new culture Excluded the social life they might have, rebuilding the local relationships were very important, they organized the meeting, called-on institutes and even sign the cooperation MOU or a simple gathering providing the emotion support. Even thought, the organization should offer more professional support including training, interning, supervising, opinion exchanging, setting up the work shop to build up workers’ professional skills and emotional supports. Third, accumulation of experiences to purify working valuation A professional cross-border worker needs to promptly adapted the new highly pressure environment, being flexible to every changes, achieved the occupational goals and build up a new life in foreign country. Workers can be more self-confidence and mature through consistently self-adaption, in the long run, they will be more strong, positive and critical. According to this, this study suggest workers needs to be mentally prepared and be more pressure-resistant. Broadening social support and exploring new social life; strengthening self-awareness, cultural sensitivities and positive self-affirmation. To promote supervising efficiencies, build up supporting group and trans- organizational cross-border information forum, more importantly, keep developing this cross-border services be professional and accumulative. Key words: Cross-Border, International social work, International aid, Cultural adaption跨境工作國際社會工作國際援助文化調適Cross-BorderInternational social workInternational aidCultural adaption跨境工作者服務經驗之初探The service experiences from Cross-border Workers:A preliminary study