陳明溥博士Ming-Puu Chen謝麗玲Li-Ling Hsieh2019-08-292012-2-142019-08-292007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092083011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92785本研究旨在探討國中教師對資訊科技融入教學的關切階層情形,並且比較不同背景變項在關切階層與影響教學實施因素上之差異情形,同時分析關切階層與影響教學實施因素之間的關係。本研究採問卷調查法,以95年度參與教育部合作學習社群之各縣市國民中學之教師為研究對象。問卷回收率70.5%,有效問卷423份。 研究結果發現:(1) 資訊科技融入教學並非大部分國中教師關心的事情,有許多其他的行動、工作和活動才是教師所關心的;(2) 自然與生活科技的教師比語文領域之教師更關心資訊科技融入教學對學生的影響且對融入教學已有其想法或更好的主意,也希望與他人作進一步的合作以發揮融入教學的最大效益;(3)教師資訊研習時數愈高者較著重於學習影響關切(impact-concerns),且認為行政主管及同事間之鼓勵與學校能提供持續的支援、提供獎勵措施對其資訊科技融入教學幫助愈大;(4)當教師認為影響教學實施因素對其愈有幫助者在高關切階層方面的得分就愈高,關切強度也愈強;表示兩者間關係是正向關聯的。The purposes of this research were to investigate junior high school teachers’ stages of concern toward integrating information technology into instruction and examine the effects of the demographic variables on stages of concern and effecting causes. It also analyzed the relations between the stages of concern and the effecting causes. The Stages of Concern questionnaire survey was administered to the junior high school teachers who attended the Web-based Learning Community Project of the Ministry of Education in 2006. The retrieval rate of the survey was 70.5%, and there were 423 effective respondents. The results of this research are as follows: (1) Junior high school teachers’ attitudes towards integrating information technology into instruction were mostly at the stage of ‘Unconcerned’. (2) While integrating information technology into instruction, science and technology teachers cared more about the influences on the students than language teachers did. Science and technology teachers had better ideas on that, and liked to cooperate with others to obtain the best effects. (3) Teachers who spent more time on learning information technology emphasized the impact concerns, and they considered that it helps more if there are more encouragement from administrative directors and colleagues, and continuous supports from schools. (4) Teachers who considered that the effecting causes are helpful showed higher stages of concern資訊科技融入教學關切本位採用模式關切階層Integrating information technology into instructionConcerns-Based Adoption Modelstages of concerModel國中教師資訊科技融入教學之關切階層探討A Study of Junior High School Teachers’ Stages of Concern toward Integrating Information Technology into Instruction