張子超Chang tzu-chau藍韡婷Lan wei-ting2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0691460057%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103647中文摘要 本研究旨在探討「教育部補助永續校園局部改造計畫」學校之推動歷程與現況調查,及理想的永續校園中適宜採用的教學策略與主題;獲得教育部補助永續校園局部改造計劃學校推動永續校園計劃的需求與障礙、困難。研究方法採用問卷調查法,針對93與94年度參與「教育部補助永續校園局部改造計劃」整合案的學校共168所,每校各發放2份問卷,共回收251份,有效問卷為240份。 本調查研究發現,整合案學校在永續校園推動調查面向中,以「在進行校園空間規劃前,會審視校園與周圍環境區域地圖,針對學校與周圍環境狀況進行基礎資料調查,以了解校園與周圍環境」在校內推動程度最高,「針對永續經濟議題發展行動計劃」推動程度最低;與社區方面的合作、「爭取縣市政府支持永續校園計劃策略,以獲得計劃配合款或協助資源」等等,令教師感到執行的困難程度較高;針對各要素類別的重要程度而言,教師認為「進行永續校園計劃過程中,與建築師或規劃人員充分溝通以促進改造計劃執行」的重要程度最高。 在理想永續校園中適宜採用的教學策略與教學主題而言,在校內推動程度上,各項教學策略在校內的推動程度由高至低分別為利用「戶外教學」、「合作學習」、「經驗與感受學習」、「探究學習」、「問題解決」、「服務學習」、「價值教育」、「說故事」、「反省與創造性思考」教學策略進行永續教育的教學活動;執行困難程度最高的為利用「反省與創造性思考」教學策略;最適宜的為「戶外教學」,「反省與創造性思考」教學策略在校內進行的適宜程度最低。在適宜採用的教學主題中,「健康營造環境的議題」在校內的推動程度最高,其他依序為「生命教育的議題」、「永續社區的議題」、「永續農業的議題」、「永續旅遊的議題」、「了解人口、與世界飢荒的議題」、「人權與永續發展的議題」、「文化與宗教信仰的議題」、「原住民知識與永續發展的議題」、「婦女與永續發展的議題」;永續發展社會面項議題的教學,對教師而言,在校內的執行困難程度較高;依適宜程度而言,以「健康營造環境議題」的融入最適宜。 在永續校園推動需求方面,教師需要更多的專家學者的協助、資訊、經費與支持、成功案例的分享與介紹等等。在推動歷程中所遭遇過的困難,除因「本身教學與行政業務過於繁忙」、「小校人力不足」而使推動過程面臨困難外,亦認為永續校園計劃的硬體空間改善與教學間的配合,執行時間至少要2-3年,對於目前計劃的執行時間感到不夠充裕。另對專業成長訓練研習、相關永續校園概念資訊、建築與專業規劃人員諮詢管道等等亦感不足。 關鍵詞:永續發展、永續校園、永續教育Abstract The study is to probe into the execution process and situation of the sustainable campus program in Taiwan, including proper teaching tactics and subjects, and the driving needs and barriers. This study surveyed 168 schools that participated in the sustainable campus program in 2004 and 2005, using questionnaire as a data collection tool. Each school received two questionnaires, and 251 were retrieved; among them, 240 questionnaires are effective. Major findings are summarized as following. In the aspect of investigation of sustainable campus, the level of “before starting school space planning , we should collect baseline data to understand the environment in and off the campus” is the highest; the level of “developing action plan of sustainable economic issues” is the lowest. The teachers feel difficult to cooperate with communities and get financial supports or resources from county and city government. The teachers think that to communicate adequately with architects and planning staffs when planning a sustainable campus is of the highest importance. As for the proper teaching tactics used in an ideal sustainable campus, the level of teaching tactics from high to low are outdoor education, cooperative learning method, experiencing and feeling learning, exploring learning, problem solving, service learning, value education, story telling, and reflection and creative thinking. The most difficult tactic to use is reflection and creative thinking. The most proper teaching tactic is outdoor teaching, and the most improper one is reflection and creative thinking. Regarding the proper teaching subjects, the most proper one is healthy and environment construction; others, according to priority, are life education, sustainable community, sustainable agriculture, sustainable tours, understanding the population and the starvation of the world, human rights and sustainable development, culture and religion, aboriginal knowledge and sustainable development, and women and sustainable development. The teachers feel hard to teach the social themes of sustainable development. Concerning the level of expediency, the theme of healthy and environment construction is the most proper one. About the needs of carrying out sustainable campus program, teachers need more assistance from experts and scholars; they also need information, funds and support, and examples of successful sustainable campus cases. During the process of carrying out sustainable campus program, teachers face a lot of difficulties, including heavy loads of teaching and administration work, insufficient staff at small school. They also think that it needs at least two to three years to improve the hardware space and teaching and that they do not have enough time to execute the program. Lastly, the teachers feel that there are not enough professional training programs, concepts and information of sustainable campus, and consultation with the architects and professional planners. Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable campus, sustainable education永續發展永續校園永續教育sustainable developmentsustainable campussustainable education93暨94年度永續校園局部改造計畫整合案推動策略研究The Strategies of Taiwan Sustainable Campus project for 2004&2005