劉湘瑤Liu, Shiang-Yao郭柏宇Kuo, Po-Yu2024-12-172026-07-152024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0e7edb63d72e3a69b44cece89a3c3cd5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123574閱讀理解能力自2000年起就被列為PISA重要的評量項目,語文閱讀理解能力更是108課綱中重要的素養能力之一。如何提升閱讀素養能力也成為學校教學的重點之一。本研究欲探討在同儕互評支持評分規準下進行科學閱讀筆記寫作對閱讀理解能力的影響。藉以評分規準為鷹架,同儕互評為引導,促使學生在進行科學筆記寫作的過程中提升科學閱讀理解能力。本研究以新北市某完全高中11年級三類組97名學生為研究對象,但在實施過程中未硬性要求學生完成科學閱讀筆記寫作,故最終以31名學生為研究對象進行數據結果分析。31名學生依便利分組分為無互評組12人,互評組19人。研究過程中學生須閱讀科學文章並參照評分規準撰寫科學筆記寫作,互評組學生交換科學筆記寫作進行同儕互評;完成科學筆記寫作後交由教師統一評閱回饋後發還給學生。本研究共進行13次科學閱讀筆記寫作,過程中收集學生之科學筆記成果、評分規準、閱讀理解能力測驗與生物科學習成就表現。 研究結果顯示,閱讀理解能力隨著科學筆記寫作次數增加有所提升,且同儕互評組的閱讀理解能力增加幅度大於無互評組;然而,閱讀理解能力仍受到學生的先備知識、生物科學習成就表現等因素的影響。同儕互評支持科學筆記寫作能顯著提升學生的筆記寫作品質,但是生物科學習成就未見顯著影響。根據研究結果,研究者對於提升閱讀理解能力有以下結論:(一)、以同儕互評支持評分規準進行科學筆記寫作能有效提升科學筆記寫作表現;(二)、閱讀理解能力可藉由多次科學閱讀筆記寫作提升但不受到同儕互評影響;(三)、評分規準能作為良好的評分依據,亦可以做為良好教學鷹架,能有效引導學生達到預期的學習表現;(四)、科學閱讀理解能力與生物科學習成就高度相關,學生閱讀理解能力的提升能提高生物科學習成就表現。Since 2000, reading comprehension has been listed as an important assessment item in PISA, and scientific reading comprehension is one of the important literacy skills in the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education. This study aims to investigate the impact of scientific reading note-taking on reading comprehension skills under the support of the peer assessment scoring rubrics. By using scoring rubrics as a scaffold and peer assessment as guidance, studentsare encouraged to enhance their scientific reading comprehension skills through the process of scientific note-taking.This study focuses on 97 students in the 11th grade of a senior high school in New Taipei City, but during the implementation process, students were not strictly required to complete scientific reading note-taking. As a result, 31 students were selected for data analysis in the study. These 31 students were divided into two groups: 12 students in the non-peer assessment group and 19 students in the peer assessment group. Throughout the study, students were required to read scientific articlesand complete scientific note-taking based on scoring rubrics. Students in the peer assessment group exchanged scientific notes for peer assessment; after completing the scientific note-taking, they were reviewed and given feedback from the teacher. groups. The whole experimentation consists of 13 scientific note-taking sessions, during which students' scientific note outcomes, scoring rubrics, reading comprehension test results, and biology achievements were collected. The results of the study show that reading comprehension skills improve with an increase in the number of scientific notes-taking sessions, and the increase in reading comprehension skills in the peer assessment group is greater than that in the non-peer assessment group. However, reading comprehension skills are still influenced by personal factors such as students' prior knowledge, and biology academic performance. Peer assessment can support scientific note-taking and significantly improve the quality of students' note-taking, but it did not show a significant impact on biology achievements. Based on the research results, the researcher draws the following conclusions: (1) conducting scientific note writing with peer assessment support of scoring criteria can effectively improve scientific note writing performance; (2) reading comprehension skills can be enhanced through multiple scientific reading note writing sessions but are not influenced by peer assessment; (3) scoring rubrics can serve as a good basis for assessment and can also serve as a good teaching scaffold to effectively guide students to achieve the expected learning performance; (4) scientific reading comprehension skills are highly correlated with biology achievements, and improving students' reading comprehension skills can enhance their biology achievements.閱讀理解能力科學閱讀筆記評分規準同儕互評readin comprehension compentencyscientific notetakingscoring rubricpeer-assessment探討以同儕互評支持評分規準對科學筆記寫作、科學閱讀理解能力、生物科學習成就之影響Exploring the Impact of Peer Assessment-Supported Scoring-Rubrics on Scientific Note-taking, Science Reading Comprehension, and Biology Learning Achievement學術論文