曾永清Tseng, Yung-Ching羅兆琦Lo, Chao-Chi2019-08-282017-06-132019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0503073114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88174本研究旨在探討國中公民科教師在理財教育課程綱要重要性的差異分析與排序情形。採用問卷調查法,研究問卷主要根據美國Jump$tart聯盟2015年的個人理財課程標準為依據,以問卷調查結果分析不同背景變項的國中公民教師在理財教育課程綱要重要性排序的差異情形,並且進一步探究國中公民科教師對理財教育課程綱要之六大主題與課程標準重要性排序情形。 本研究所得結果如下: 一、性別、任教地區、修習理財相關課程、教授理財課程的興趣、實際 的理財行為等背景變項的國中公民科教師在理財教育課程綱要重要 性排序無顯著差異。 二、國中公民科教師對理財教育課程綱要之六大主題重要性排序依序為 「消費與儲蓄」、「就業與所得」、「風險管理與保險」、「信用與 債務」、「理財決策」、「投資行為」。 三、國中公民科教師對理財教育課程綱要之課程標準重要性排序前三名 依序為: (一)在主題「消費與儲蓄」中: 應用消費技能做出正確消費和儲蓄決策、發展一份消費和儲蓄的計畫、發展保存和使用財務記錄的方法。 (二)在主題「信用與債務」中: 應用策略來避免或糾正債務管理問題、概述消費者信用貸款的相關法律、概述借款人信用報告中的權利和責任。 (三)在主題「就業與所得」中: 探討工作和職業的各種選擇、分析影響淨收入的各種因素、比較個人收入和補償金的各種來源。 (四)在主題「投資行為」中: 說明投資可以創造個人財富達到理財目標、示範如何購入和賣出投資商品、探討金融機構如何保護投資者監督金融市場和金融商品。 (五)在主題「風險管理與保險」中: 辨認常見的風險類型和其基本管理方法、辨識使用健康殘疾長期照護和人壽保險的理由、辨識使用財產和責任保險的理由。 (六)在主題「理財決策」中: 使用可靠的資源來做出理財決策、使用個人理財計畫、有條理的考慮替代方案和後果做出理財決策。This research aims to explore junior high school Civics teachers’ opinions on the priority of the importance of financial education curriculum guidelines and the differential analysis. Based on the national standards in personal financial education established by Jump$tart Coalition in 2015, the research adopted questionnaire surveys to analyze the difference in the priority of financial education curriculum guidelines between junior high school Civics teachers with different backgrounds and to further explore junior high school Civics teachers’ opinions on the priority of the importance of the six themes and curriculum standards in the financial education curriculum guidelines. The results of the research are as follows: 1.Junior high school Civics teachers’ opinions on the priority of the importance of financial education curriculum guidelines show no significant difference in gender, area of work, study in financial education, interest in teaching financial management, and actual financial behavior of junior high school Civics teachers. 2.Junior high school Civics teachers’ opinions on the priority of the importance of six themes in the financial education curriculum guidelines is decided in the following order: Sending and Saving, Employment and Income, Risk Management and Insurance, Credit and Debt, Financial Decision Making, and Investing. 3.Junior high school civics teachers’ opinions on top three important curriculum standards in the financial education curriculum guidelines are: (1)In the theme of Sending and Saving: Apply consumer skills to spending and saving decisions, Develop a plan for spending and saving, Develop a system for keeping and using financial records. (2)In the theme of Credit and Debt: Apply strategies to avoid or correct debt management problems, Summarize major consumer credit laws, Summarize a borrower’s rights and responsibilities related to credit reports. (3)In the theme of Employment and Income: Explore job and career options, Analyze factors that affect net income, Compare sources of personal income and compensation. (4)In the theme of Investing: Explain how investing may build wealth and help meet financial goals, Demonstrate how to buy and sell investments, Investigate how agencies protect investors and regulate financial markets and products. (5)In the theme of Risk Management and Insurance: Identify common types of risks and basic risk management methods, Justify reasons to use health, disability, long-term care and life insurance, Justify reasons to use property and liability insurance. (6)In the theme of Financial Decision Making: Use reliable resources when making financial decisions, Use a personal financial plan, Make criterion-based financial decisions by systematically considering alternatives and consequences.理財教育層級分析analytical hierarchy processfinancial education國中公民科教師對理財教育課程綱要的層級分析