國立臺灣師範大學地理學系潘朝陽2015-09-032015-09-032006-06-011812-6243http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74500儒家在理想層面,是德學雙全的君子,但實際上,歷代儒士集團中,一直存在無學敗德的小人,司馬遷《史記》已經特為此輩立了〈佞幸列傳〉。 本文主要是根據史籍所載君子與佞幸的鬥爭以及朱子被佞幸儒士迫害的史實來詮釋儒家的雙元對峙性。 儒家雙元對峙性在專制政治格局中,更被加強其內在矛盾,儒家原本是專制主的批判者,但佞幸儒士卻倒過來成為專制政體的維護者。 在清帝牢籠和壓制下,基本上,清代是一個儒家德學衰弱的時代,清代臺灣儒士大體上是專制政體中的佞幸儒士,本文舉數種清代臺灣的方志內容加以闡明。Confucian scholars are ideally men of moral integrity who are both learned and of great character. However, vile Confucian scholars who have neither of these virtues have never disappeared in the Confucian groups among dynasties, as historian Sima Qian especially created a section ‘Biography of Sycophant’ in his work Shiji. In this article, the confronting duality in Confucianism will be interpreted in the following two aspects recorded in histories: the fighting between men of moral integrity and sycophants, and the fact of Chu Hsi being persecuted by vile Confucians. The internal contradiction of the confronting duality in Confucianism was even intensified in the autocratic political structure. As Confucians were expected to be the critics of autocrats, sycophants on the contrary became the protectors of autocracy. Under the suppression of the Qing emperor, the Qing dynasty was basically a period of time when Confucians were both intellectually and morally degenerated. It was also true in the constitution of Taiwanese Confucians, as most of them were sycophants under the domination of the Qing autocracy. To illustrate this, contents of several local histories of Taiwan will be brought into this article.儒家儒士君子佞幸朱子清儒The ConfucianistsConfucian scholarsA man of moral integritySycophantChu HsiQing-Confucians從儒家的雙元對峙性論清代臺灣儒家的性質The Character of Taiwanese Confucians in Qing Dynasty from the Perspective of the Confronting Duality in Confucianism�