國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系陳昭揚2016-01-122016-01-122014-05-010301-9667http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76801本文將整理金代流外職及其任職人員資格的相關規範,並得出下列三點結論。第一,金朝設置了大量的有品流外職,於是職務的流內、流外屬性判別標準已非品秩有無,而是官吏之別,凡為吏職者,即便有品,仍屬流外。第二,金代流外職人員的資格與職務屬性間的對位關係頗為複雜,有品流外職乃是專任「品官」,至於無品流外職,部分的高階職務將制度性地以「品官」充任,並對初任的無散官人員設定散官授予辦法。第三,原在北宋本為分類官員身份的「有出身」、「無出身」資格,在金代將轉為分類中央吏員或宮中承應人能否出職的身份資格,此時金朝將擁有大量的「有出身」、帶散官的未出職人。This article mainly discusses the "liuwai" (流外) in the Jin Dynasty. Beginning in the Sui period, the positions and personnel of the government were sorted by a sequence. The positions and personnel were divided into two classes: "liunei" (流內) and "liuwai". The positions and personnel of the liunei were graded into a nine-ranked ("jiupin", 九品) system, and "liunei" personnel were ranked officials (品官). Compared with the "liunei", for the most part, none of the "liuwai" positions had their own ranks, and almost all of the "liuwai" personnel were not ranked officials. Lastly, the classes and the positions of appointees were constantly aligned, so the "liunei" personnel would never be assigned to the "liuwai" posts. But during the Jin period, the regulations of the class system were different. First, there were many "liuwai" positions that had their own rank, and the boundary between the "liunei" and "liuwai" was not ranked and non-ranked. Second, many ranked-officials were assigned to the ranked or the high level non-ranked "liuwai" positions institutionally, and the Jin court would grant the appointees of the high level non-ranked "liuwai" positions the qualification of "you chushen" (有出身), which was originally an official qualification in the Sung dynasty.金代流外品秩散官出身Jin DynastyLiuwaiRankSanguanChushen金代流外職及其人員資格The Positions and Personnel of Liuwai in the Jin Dynasty