梁秀中Liang Show-Zhong朱國維Chu Guo-Wei2020-12-102009-2-132020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694600268%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115285藉由了解親子家庭之模式,配合此一階段,自身創作手法與內容,惶恐創作流於形式、表象,是故;有此因緣得以好好研究,然引發對此議題產生興趣與研究動機,實乃任教兒童繪畫,始接觸到各式孩童、父母及家庭。 兩代之間有的是密不可分的,有的是上對下權威教條的,有的是形同陌路的,有的則相互關心,彼此學習成長…。此一關係所牽連者,並非單指一人或一代;觀察個人其言其行,「家」對於現在、未來的想法觀念影響甚深。A與B的結合,象徵來自兩個不同家庭觀念的重組,產生的C也有可能承襲兩家族的悲哀與驕傲。雖然家庭對子女的影響非全然而直接,也有可能在惡劣環境下而相當優秀,也有可能家境富裕卻散盡家財,種種因素;好像無法確切肯定家庭對個人的影響,但有好的環境與家庭模式,畢竟還是有其長處,況且社會的人與人互動,本是多種不同觀念之交叉涉略的,由此可見家庭於個人影響,莫不為之重大。 本論文探討範圍,盡量以孩童與父母之間的相處關係為主。孩童階段是與父母互動最頻繁的階段,理應也最親密,觀察這兩種角色而不涉及青少年或隔代之間,把所關注議題縮小,盼得以更深度去了解。 兒童繪畫之於兒童,是自然歷程所存在之必須。觀其兒童發展與繪畫脈絡,有助於了解兒童創作動機與生活經驗,他們憑經驗作畫,憑記憶作畫,以自我的角度作畫,他們真實而自由的展現自我經驗。此階段創作中,有些許作品運用到兒童畫形象、形式的部分,考量未來仍會朝此方向創作,所以收集了兒童歷程、畫作等資料來做研究瞭解。 本論文從親職議題切入,探討中西畫家之親情論述,到兒童發展及繪畫相關畫家的瞭解,最後藉親職關係名家作品做為筆者創作理念與完成作品。Through understanding the parent-child relationship, I’m afraid that my works would seem rather cosmetic and limited in form, and thus motivated to research in this issue. I make contacts with all kinds of children and their parents and family through my job as a teacher for children’s drawing. The relationship between two generations is always intimate. Some are demanding to each other, some estranged, and some care and learn together. This kind of relationship usually involves more than a person or a generation; from a personal perspective, the sense of “family” deeply affects one’s value and idea of present and future. The matrimony of A and B means combination of two different familial values, and the C produced may inherit the good and the bad from this process. Although family affects the children largely and directly, it seems that some are still outstanding growing up in a harsh environment, and some achieve nothing with a rich background. The influence of family on children may vary, but it is certain a good environment and sense of family are still beneficial for them because the composition of a society consists of a network with different values among interactions. This research focuses on the interactive relationship between parents and children. Interactions are most frequent during toddler period, and thus should be most intimate. Solely observing relationship between these two characters gives a scope further in depth on the issue interested. Drawing is a necessary experience in the journey of a child’s growth. Observing the pattern of children’s drawings aides largely in understanding their motives of composition and real-life experiences. They draw based on their experiences and memories from a self-centered perspective freely and sincerely. During this stage of composing, some works cover the image and form of children paintings. Due to expectation to follow up this direction, thus information and paintings representing children’s course of growth were collected for research purpose. This research discusses the sense of family exposed by Chinese and Western painters, as a topic of parenting, to relative painters known for children’s development, then finally finishes with works of famous parenting experts as the author’s core of composition.家庭親職教育兒童發展水墨人物畫familyparentingchild developmentink painting我們 親子關係水墨人物創作研究Us Comprehensive Study of Parent-Child Relationship and Character Creation in Ink Painting