王梅玲張艾琦Mei-Ling Wang, Ai-Chi Chang2020-09-032020-09-032019-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108973我國自 2008 年起教育部推動數位學習碩士在職專班,提供在職工作者藉由線上教育獲得碩士學位。學習者感到數位學習方便有彈性,但其學習成效經常受到質疑。本研究旨在探討數位學習碩士在職專班研究生的線上學習經驗、圖書館利用情形、學習成效,以及影響學習成效的因素。本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺灣授予學位的數位學習碩士在職專班為研究對象,針對六校九所數位碩士班碩士生進行問卷調查,回收 196 份問卷。研究結果顯示數位在職專班碩士生女性多於男性,平均年齡在 31 歲至 40 歲間,學生修習數位碩士班主要動機為自我追求、工作需要、升職;選擇數位學習上課因素主要考量家庭、工作與通勤時間。數位在職專班碩士生多使用圖書館電子資源並對圖書館感到滿意(平均 4.07),肯定線上教學成效(平均 4.57),線上課程平臺評價高(平均 4.44),且自評學習成效良好(平均 4.42)。學生對線上學習教學成效、課程平臺與教材、與圖書館滿意度與學生自評學習成效相關,顯示數位碩士生的線上教學成效、課程平臺與教材、圖書館滿意度高時,其自評學習成效也會提升。不同年級數位碩士生與圖書館電子資源使用頻次對其自評學習成效有差異。Since 2008, the Ministry of Education has promoted a number of in‐service elearning master's programs for working persons. Learners feel that e‐learning is convenient and flexible, but their learning effectiveness is often questioned. The purpose of this study is to explore the online learning, library use and learning effectiveness of in‐service elearning master progrm students and influencing factors of learning effectiveness. In this study, a survey was conducted to investigate in‐service elearning master progrms. The questionnaires were collected for nine master's progams in six schools in Taiwan, and 196 responses were collected. The results show that there are more female students than males in the elearning master programs, and the average age is between 31 and 40 years old. The main motivation for learners to study the master's programs are self‐pursuit, job needs, and promotion. The choice of elearning mainly considers family, work and commuting time. Elearning master students more use library electronic resources and have high satisfaction with the library (average 4.07), affirmation of the teaching effectiveness of elearning (average 4.57), good evaluation of the course platform (average 4.44), and self‐evaluation learning is effective (average 4.42). The teaching effectiveness of the elearning of students, the curriculum platform and teaching materials, and the satisfaction of the library are related to the self‐evaluation learning effectiveness of the students. It shows that when in‐service elearning master students are interested in the teaching effectiveness, course platform and teaching materials, and library satisfaction, the effectiveness of self‐assessment learning will also increase. In addition, different grades and use fequency of electronic resources in libraries has different effects on student learning effectivenesss.數位學習碩士在職專班學習成效圖書館利用線上學習E-learning Master ProgramsLearning EffectivenessLibrary UseOnline Learning數位學習碩士在職專班研究生線上學習、圖書館使用與學生自評學習成效之研究Study on Online Learning, Library Use andLearning Effectiveness forE-learning Master Program Students in Taiwan