陳美燕Chen, Mei-Yen洪佳君Hung, Chia-Chun2022-06-082025-10-292022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/03283a044cd2b34fcb058d230189269f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117773本研究目的為探討高齡者藉由運動介入後對其健康行為、正念與主觀幸福感所產生之影響情形,以跨理論模式為理論基礎,分析高齡者在不同運動階段以八段錦作為運動介入,探討八段錦對高齡者之正念與主觀幸福感之影響。研究工具共分五個部分,分別為正念量表、主觀幸福感量表、人口統計變項、健康行為調查及質性訪談。研究對象為65歲以上之高齡者,共招募60位研究參與者。資料處理與分析以IBM SPSS 23.0進行資料建檔與統計分析,包括有描述性統計、內部一致性信度分析、相依樣本t檢定與二因子混合設計進行相關分析。研究結果:一、研究參與者在前、後測的正念程度差異分析並無顯著差異;二、研究參與者在前、後測的主觀幸福感差異分析並無顯著差異;三、不同前後測和性別的研究參與者在正念程度並無顯著交互作用;四、不同前後測和性別的研究參與者在主觀幸福感並無顯著交互作用;五、研究參與者在運動介入後的歷程與轉變共同點為更健康、更快樂。最後,藉由研究分析結果提供給從事高齡者運動健康促進人員及未來研究之參考。The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of exercise intervention on the mindfulness and subjective well-being of elderly people. Based on the cross-theoretical model, analyze the use of Ba Daua Jin as exercise intervention by the elderly at different stages of exercise, and explore the influence of Ba Daua Jin on the mindfulness and subjective well-being of the elderly. The research tool is divided into five parts. They are mindfulness scale, subjective well-being scale, demographic variables, health behavior survey and qualitative interview. The subjects of the study were senior citizens over 65 years old, and a total of 60 study participants were recruited. Data processing and analysis use IBM SPSS 23.0 for data archiving and statistical analysis. Including descriptive statistics, internal consistency reliability analysis, dependent sample t test and two-factor mixed design for correlation analysis. Research results: (1)There is no significant difference in the analysis of the difference in mindfulness between the study participants before and after the test. (2) There is no significant difference in the analysis of the subjective well-being of the study participants before and after the test. (3) the study participants with different pre- and post-test and gender tests did not interact significantly with the degree of mindfulness. (4) Research participants with different pre-, post-test, and gender have no significant interactions in subjective well-being. (5) The study participants’ journeys and transitions after exercise intervention have in common that they are healthier and happier. Finally, the results of the research and analysis are provided to the seniors who are engaged in sports health promotion and reference for future research.跨理論模式八段錦健康促進Transtheoretical ModelBa Daua JinHealth promotion運動介入在高齡者正念與主觀幸福感之研究Exercise intervention in the mindfulness and subjective well-being of the elderly學術論文