李玉錦2014-10-272014-10-272010-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16334身心障礙學生的就業轉銜議題,是近年來國內推動轉銜服務的重點所在。因此本文從就業轉銜服務的內涵及晝北市綜職科身心障礙學生就業轉銜實施現況等向度進行探討,並提出相關建議,以做為實務工作者的參考。In the last years, employment transition service for vocational high school students with disabilities was important issue and widely discussed in Taiwan. The purpose of this article was first to define the meaning of employment transition service, and then discussed the current situation of employment transition service for vocational high school students with disabilities in Taipei city. At last, the author raised recommendations to special educators.就業轉銜轉銜服務身心障礙學生employment transition servicetransition servicestudents with disabilities臺北市高職綜職科身心障礙學生就業轉銜現況探討Employment Transition Service for Vocational High School Students with Disabilities in Taipei City