洪仁進郭諭陵曹以招2019-08-282017-2-172019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098003215%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89772本研究主要探討陸軍士官對授權賦能的心理認知狀態,進而影響工作態度的程度,從國內外針對授權賦能與工作態度的研究中,發現以員工的授權賦能來提昇組織效能,是企業維持競爭力的主要利器。緣此,本研究目的在瞭解士官在授權賦能的認知上,對工作態度是否產生影響,並以100年度各兵科學校士高班及專科學校士官長正規班學員為對象,共發出410 份問卷,有效問卷為377份。本研究運用臨界比、因素分析、積差相關、Cronbach’s α、多變項變異數分析、多元迴歸分析、逐步迴歸分析及典型相關分析得到以下發現: 1、不同性別、年資、兵科及職務的士官,在授權賦能的認知上並無顯著的差異。 2、不同性別、年資、兵科、職務及任官管道的士官,在工作態度的認知並無顯著的差異。 3、士官的授權賦能對士官的工作態度預測力可達22.4%,其中又以「士官評議」的預測力較大,換言之影響工作態度之主要授權賦能變項依次為「士官評議」、「士官權責」、「信心建立」及「士官培訓」。 4、經過多元迴歸及典型相關分析的結果,陸軍士官的授權賦能與其工作態度有高度的正相關性,即授權賦能高的士官會比授權賦能低的士官表現出較高的工作態度。 依此,提供陸軍相關決策、執行單位及未來研究者參考運用。The goal of this research project is to see the facts that the result that execution empowerment to employees to improve the organizational efficiency is the key for enterprise to maintain ability for competition in which from the international and national research in domain of empowerment and working attitude, we find. Hence, the purpose of this monograph is to see whether NCO’s recognitions of empowerment effect to working attitude. During this study, we had issued 410 copies of questionnaires to the students of NCO Advance Course among army branch school and Master Sergeant Course in NCO school at the year of 2011, and the valid samples collected are 377 copies. The analysis methods utilized in this research include MANOVA, Multiple regression analysis, stepwise regression analysis and canonical correlation analysis. The outcomes of this research are stated as follow: 1.The variance of recognition of empowerment is minute among NCOs in different genders, years on service, branches, and position. 2.The variance of recognition of working attitude is minor among NCOs in different genders, years on service, branches, and access of non commission. 3.Empowerment of NCO effect in working attitude displays a predictability of 22.4%, among those, the predictability in NCO Assessment Mechanism is higher. As the result, the order of effects by degree in working attitude is NCO Assessment Mechanism, Authority of NCO, NCO’s Confidence Development, and NCO cultivation. 4.The outcomes from Multiple regression analysis and canonical correlation analysis, the empowerment of Army NCO has high positive relations to working attitude, in other words, the performance of working attitude between high and low degree of empowerment of NCOs, high is better than low. Therefore, taking into the result of this study, the monograph proposes several recommendations to Army HQ, executive units and future research programs.授權賦能工作態度empowermentworking attitude陸軍士官的授權賦能、工作態度及其相關因素之研究