吳亭芳田秀蘭Ting-Fang, WuHsiu-Lan, Tien陳珮綺Pei-Chi, Chen2019-08-282011-2-152019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695170026%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89373本研究旨在探討創傷性腦傷者之就業歷程。研究者邀請了三位曾經歷創傷性腦傷、已在融合性工作環境中就業達一年以上的工作者來參與研究。三位研究參與者的年齡介於三十至三十八歲,其中兩位為男性,一位為女性。 本研究採取敘事研究的方式,邀請研究參與者敘說其生命經驗,再採取「整體—內容」的分析模式來呈現研究結果,並輔以「類別—內容」的觀點來進行研究結果的討論。 研究結果顯示,創傷性腦傷者傷後能力或特質的變化包括生理功能、認知能力、溝通及社交能力、情緒與人格、以及自我概念的轉變。三位研究參與者的職業生涯方向與工作目標都有調整,研究者將其路徑分別命名為「暫時屈就、累積實力的A」、「在漩渦裡打轉、無法承諾的B」以及「在穩定的基石上前進、仍有夢想的C」。另外,研究中也針對三位參與者就業歷程中所面臨的各種助力、阻力進行討論。 基於研究結果,本研究針對職業重建人員、創傷性腦傷者及其家人,以及對未來研究等各方面,分別提出相關建議。The study aimed to investigate the employment process of individuals with traumatic brain injury. Two males and one female participants that had experienced the traumatic brain injury, in the age between thirty and thirty eight years old, with at least more than one year working experiences in the integrative employment environment were invited to participate in the study. By means of the narrative study approach, the researcher invited the participants to share their life experiences in depth interviews. The “holistic-content” perspective was used to analyze the data, and the results were discussed in the “categorical-content” perspective. The results showed that the change of the individuals’ ability and characteristics after traumatic brain injury consists of the shift in biological function, the cognitive ability, the communication ability and social skills, the emotional traits and personality, and the self-concept. Since three participants changed their pathways and career goals, the researcher named their paths as “the condescending A who accumulates his strength”, “the B in the whirlpool with no commitment”, and “the C who moves steadily with his dream”. Moreover, this study also investigated the facilitators and barriers in participants’ employment process. Based on the results, the study proposed some suggestions for the workers in vocational rehabilitation, individuals with traumatic brain injury and their family members, and for the future research in traumatic brain injury.創傷性腦傷就業敘事研究traumatic brain injuryemploymentnarrative study創傷性腦傷者就業歷程之敘事研究Narrative Research of the Employment Process of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury