鄭良偉博士Dr. Robert L. Cheng李南衡2019-08-292008-09-012019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694260056%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93294  因為台灣近四百年經過無仝種族ê統治,當然會留落來各種無仝ê外來語。其中以近一百年來佇台灣使用ê外來語上濟、mä上複雜。我beh用日治時期一九三0年代ê賴和,及中國國民黨政府統治時期一九八0年代ê王禎和,相差五十年ê che兩位無仝時代ê台灣作家ê作品作例,來探討台灣小說中外來語ê演變,同時mä beh探討其中一個因素-兩個無仝ê殖民統治者所實施ê「國語政策」,對台灣外來語ê影響。Because Taiwan has been occupied by different foreign powers over the past 400 years, there are many loan-words in the Taiwanese daily language. In the last 100 years loan-words have increased and their usage has been the most complex. I tried to use the examples of two authors whose novels were written fifty years apart to investigate the evolution of foreign loan-words. The first author, Löa Hô, wrote during the Japanese occupied 1930s and the second author, Wang Chen-ho, wrote during the Chinese KMT government-occupied 1980s. Furthermore, I tried to investigate the effect the “national language policy” of the two colonizing countries has had on the Taiwanese language.借詞(外來語)賴和王禎和台灣小說loan-word\ borrowingLoa HoWang Chen-hoTaiwanese novels台灣小說中e外來語演變-以賴和kap王禎和e作品作例The Evolvement of Loan-words in Taiwan Novels: the Examples of Loa Ho and Wang Chen-ho