周世玉Chou, Shih-Yu吳慧芳Wu, Huei-Fang2022-06-082021-06-152022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c24dd5e12f8137dcb5be5f5a8847d01a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116741美髮業為我國重要服務業之一,其服務同質性相當高,市場競爭相當激烈。在2017年12月6日於立法院三讀通過了勞動基準法一例一休修正的法案,並開始實施執行於2018年3月1日。此項修法使得過去高度依賴人力之美髮產業成本大幅提升,受到嚴重衝擊。許多美髮業者不得不減少營業服務時間,以因應人力成本之提高,但同時卻造成顧客減少、產品銷售業績下滑等影響。本研究依照主題採用焦點團體法,邀請六位專家參與會議,包含台北市美髮經營者聯誼會會長、國際品牌髮品廠商、個案公司負責人、資深美髮造型設計師、技職輔導產學合作老師、助理建教合作實習生的等六位專家進行討論。本研究運用個案公司的環境背景,探討一例一休法案對於美髮產業之影響。研究者依照研究目的分別召開四次會議,主題涵蓋四個面向,分別為對客戶的影響及因應對策、對造型設計師的影響及因應對策、對技職學生人力投入的影響及因應對策,及對業者的綜合影響及因應對策。並在最後歸納個案公司從人力發展、教育訓練、IT技術、行銷、產品、財務利潤之因應對策。Hairdressing is one of the important service industries in Taiwan. It is highly homogeneous and competitive in nature. In December, 2017, Legislative Yuan read the third time the related “One Fixed Day Off and One Flexible Rest Day” provisions of Labor Standard Law, which resulted in escalated operational cost in the hairdressing industry that highly relies on labor operations. Many firms in this industry were forced to shorten service time to avoid increasing costs resulted from new rules about overtime work pay. However, this change also led to less customer visits and lower sales revenue.Following the focus group research method, this study invited five experts or stakeholders in the hairdressing industry to join the panel meetings. The focus group includes the chairman of Taipei Hairdressing Association, an international brand hair product manufacturer, a senior hairdressing styling designer, a technical and vocational school instructor, and an assistant level intern. The case company in this study serves as the basis for exploring the impacts resulted from the Labor Standard Act provisions. Four group meetings were called to discuss the amendment influences from four perspectives: impacts on customers and corresponding countermeasures, impacts on hair style designer and countermeasures, impacts on employment willingness of vocational school students and countermeasures, and overall impacts on firm owners and countermeasures. And, the practical suggestions about the countermeasures in different aspects were made to the case company.一例一休法令美髮造型設計技職建教合作焦點團體法One Fixed Day Off and One Flexible Rest DayHair Styling DesignTechnical Vocational Education CooperationFocus Group Method一例一休對美髮業影響之研究A Study on Labor Standards Act's “One Fixed Day Off and One Flexible Rest Day” Amendment Impacting Upon Hairdressing Industry學術論文