國立臺灣師範大學教育學系廖遠光2014-12-022014-12-022009-01-01http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38724數位典藏計畫實施至今,已經累積了可觀的典藏資源與成果,如何有系統的在社 會、教育與產業各層面,有效的運用這些成果,已成為當今重要的課題。 本計畫即是從科技觀點,來詮釋、解析與應用數位典藏國家型科技計畫所建置之成 果,並將之導入既有之社會網絡與社區組織,並藉由推廣、教學與Web 2.0 的近用、紀 錄、分享、資源整合、評估與研究創新等策略,進行數位典藏的推廣與深耕發展。 從科技觀點來詮釋應用數位典藏,具有擴展數典創新應用的獨特意義。本計畫擬從 科技史、科學技術、科技社會、科技產業、科技生活與創新的觀點,來詮釋應用數位典 藏,從數位典藏之科技視野來鑑古知今,並從現今生活科技來融合與創新應用。 Web 2.0 的導入與應用,是本計畫實施的重要措施。本計畫擬以Web 2.0 融入之策 略,進行相關的推廣與教學活動,以共筆、合作創作、Blog 與RSS 等方式進行互動、 分享與訊息交流,並將之融入計畫之活動中,更藉由社會網絡服務的方式達成資源整合 與智慧共享,藉此進行推廣與外部資源連結,促進計畫的創新與彰顯數位典藏的績效與 成果。Technological-based Digital Archive Resources has accumulated a remarkable amount of content and achievement. Thus, applying NDAP to society, education, and industry has become one of the greatest issues nowadays. This project analyzes NDAP program and applies it to communities and social networks, based on technology perspective. Furthermore, this project is accomplished by promoting the usage of Web 2.0; the characteristics of Web 2.0, recording, sharing, and integrating, aid the promotion and development NDAP. There is a significant meaning to analyze NDAP from scientific and technological perspective, because technology is widely used and accepted in daily life. This project interprets NDAP as an innovative technology but which is also deeply related to the history of technology, technological society, technological industry and technological life. The major goal of this project is to promote Web 2.0 and combine Web 2.0 with NDAP. Providing an integrative and interactive environment allows users to compose and share information through blog and RSS feed; more information and intelligence are integrated and spread through Social Network Service (SNS). In a way of SNS and life innovation, catalyzes project innovation and helps to manifest the efficiency and performance of NDAP.科技文物數位典藏導入社區之推廣與學習A Project on Technology-Based Digital Archive Resources Applied to Communities---Promotion and Learning