陳世榮Shi-Rong Chen鍾政儒Zheng-Ru Zhong2019-08-282009-8-102019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696100157%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85685主流國際理論,諸如:新現實主義與新自由主義等「理性主義」,在探討國與國間關係時,往往以軍力的優劣、資源的充沛與短缺、經濟的富足或貧困等「物質性力量」做為權衡的依據。這種思維模式也常存於兩岸關係的主要論述裡,例如,將積極強化軍事作戰能力的中國,視為一種根本上無法解決的「威脅」存在。 而建構理論的出現,則提供了有別於上述主流理論的另類思考模式。建構主義自身內部存在著極大的差異,而本研究主要受到其中代表學者溫特一派(Alexander Wendt)的啟發,強調「觀念的力量」將決定物質性力量的實際意義。亦即,觀念是共有知識所構成,而國與國之間乃至於國內社會形成的「認同」則是重要的共有知識部分,需要詳加探討。鑑於此,本研究焦點著重在國內認知建構的過程,並以兩岸關係為對象,企圖表明國內對於身分與利益的論述建構,也足以產生對外關係的解讀與改變。 另外,本研究追溯兩岸關係的形成源自於國共分裂的歷史,國民黨或共產黨之間意識形態的基本差異導致兩者的對立衝突,終致隔海分治,寇讎以對,互不承認。國府遷台後,隨著國際環境與兩岸內部的變遷,兩岸間互動模式也不斷地在改變。先是蔣經國故總統執政後期的解除戒嚴、開放大陸探親政策以降,有了鬆動的跡象。直到李登輝前總統執政,進一步結束動員戡亂,並且任內促成了「辜汪會談」,兩岸間似乎呈現一片和解的氛圍。然而隨著李登輝前總統的訪美,以及「兩國論」出現,兩岸關係再度陷入低潮。陳水扁前總統執政時,同樣初期釋放許多對「中國」善意的言論,例如訴諸兩岸人間共同的血緣、歷史、文化背景等,但後期卻又致力於有別於中國的「台灣主體意識」創建。在這短短的二十年間,兩岸關係變化如此劇烈,實是有必要深入探討原由與過程。 為了呈現國內影響兩岸關係走向的共有知識建構過程,本研究進一步以二○○八年台灣總統選舉前後的媒體論述為資料,運用「共詞網絡分析」,呈現不同的政治氛圍、權力結構與政黨主張之間,台灣社會所經歷的一段有關對於兩岸關係,尤其是涉及主權議題的論述建構及其內涵上所產生的變化。並在這一基礎上以「江陳會」與「外交議題」做深入研析,探討新舊兩岸關係的論述建構中,國內藍綠二方如何就「主權」問題加以安置與重塑,並企圖表明諸如「主權」這類兩岸互動上的癥結點,建構論的思維模式來看,也並非僵固不可變,只要兩岸互動足以在國內形成有效可觀的「共有知識」,那麼兩岸「和平」結構與文化,是可以寄予期待的。Main international theories ,such as Neorealism and Neoliberalism always let forces, resources or economics "material factors" as the comparative criteria. And the kind of thought also exists in discourse of cross-strait relations. For example, thinking the more and more powerful China forces as entire threat. But Constructivism's appearance provides us with other thinking way. There are extreme differences within Constructivism's inner, and this study is inspired by Alexander. Wendt's Constructivism. In this thought , idea power will decide the real meaning of material power and the idea is composed of common knowledge; Therefore, identity between nation and any other nation ,even domestic society is the important part of common knowledge. So the focus of this study is to understand the process of domestic formation of identity and it will make cross-strait relations change. The study will recall the history of KMT& CCP in Mainland to understand the conflicts ,different ideologies each other. And after the KMT coming to Taiwan ,the changes of international ,China and Taiwan inner are lasting,including President Jing-Guo Jiang removing the martial law ,opening the policy of going to mainland. President Deng-Huei Li ended period of mobilization for the suppression of communist rebellion and promoted the "Gu-Wan Dialogue". The cross-strait relations seemed good,but lately became bad again when President Li visited America and his "Two-States Theory".Presiden Shuei-Bian Chen ,in the begining also spoke a lot of kind languages, such as the people of Taiwan and China having same blood ,history and culture .But lately he changed the words ,thinking Taiwan and China as different existence. In very short twenty years , cross-strait relations varied so keenly .The reason and process should be realized deeply. In order to show the domestic facors' influences to the cross-strait relations ,this study will use media data of 2008 Taiwan presidential election ,exerting network analysis way to understand the change of issues especially about sovereignty .And on the basis of these understandings , the study will confer issues "Jiang-Chen Conference" and diplomacy .The purpose is to make clear that key point between Taiwan and China , such as sovereignty can be changed .Interaction of cross-strait lasting and then forming the domestic common knowledge so that peaceful structure or culture between cross-strait entirely can be expected in the future.兩岸關係建構理論共詞網絡分析主權和平Cross-strait relationsConstructivismDiscourse analysisSovereigntyPeace二○○八年總統選舉前後台灣媒體對兩岸關係的建構Social Construction of Cross-Strait Relationship of Taiwan Media Around 2008 Presidential Election, ROC.