沈淑敏Shen, Su-Min游牧笛Yu, Mu-Ti2019-08-292014-8-132019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699230329%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94398溪流戲水是臺灣民眾夏季遊憩活動的熱門選項之一,位於新北市三峽區的大豹溪是大臺北都會區近郊著名的戲水地點,自東峰橋至中間的中游河段,卻是全臺灣被報導發生最多起溺斃事件的河段。過去的研究多探討遊客本身不當行為和溺水事件的關係,對於何種地形環境容易形成高危險環境,以及遊客是否容易接觸河岸較少著墨。 本研究採用的研究方法可分為兩個部份:一、利用正射影像、像片基本圖以及進行實地調查,記錄河道地形風險的分布狀況,並與溺斃案例空間位置進行比對;二、利用實地調查記錄各個河段可通往河岸的方式,以了解河岸易達性,並與遊客人數進行比對。 調查結果顯示,在河道地形方面,18個河段中,11個河段有凸出河岸的底岩、10個河段有大於1米的巨礫分布,均可能造成河道寬度縮減,形成河道阻礙物,進而改變局部的溪流水文狀態(流速和水深),屬於自然環境風險較大的河段。透過實地觀察可發現,大豹溪中游河谷較狹窄,近谷底的谷形多為V字形或谷底鋸切形,較易出現上述河道阻礙物,亦可大致對比至Montgomery and Buffington (1997)所提出之梯潭型、底岩型河段。此外,根據訪談與實際調查,即使在有救生員駐守之處,這些巨礫或凸出底岩也可能造成視線的死角。 在河岸易達性方面,18個河段中共有16個河段有河岸小徑,遊客可透過小徑通往研究河段全長之24%的河段長。小徑分布的土地利用則以景觀遊憩區及交通用地為主,有利於遊客接近河岸;但當河岸小徑有水泥鋪面時,則有助於遊客穿越陡邊坡、樹林、建築物等屏障,進而從主要公路前往河岸。 限縮河道寬度的阻礙物可能改變水流狀態,進而提高遊憩風險,而河岸小徑則能有效增加其河岸易達性。18個河段中,共有8個河段遊憩風險較高,且易達性亦較高,屬危險河段。遊憩風險較低的河段共有8處,屬適合水域遊憩河段。而另有2個河段遊客無法通往河岸。研究區內現行公告開放戲水的10處水域中,有4處為風險較高的河段,包含過去溺斃統計中前3高的河段(有木、東眼橋、醒心橋),且這些河段均有好走的河岸小徑,使得遊客人數較多,值得注意。During summer, playing at the stream is one of the hottest recreations to Taiwanese people. The Dabou Stream, located in Sanxia District, New Taipei City, is a famous spot near the Taipei metropolis. However, the midstream reach of the Dabou Stream is the place where drowning events occurred the most in Taiwan. In the past, researches mostly focus on the relation between improper act of tourists and drowning events, but put less emphasis on which landform is likely to form a highly dangerous environment or whether tourists could touch the stream bank easily or not. Based on the research, substance which can restrict the width of stream such as boulder and protruding bedrock might change the state of current, and then increase the risk of recreation. In addition, path along a stream can effectively increase the bank accessibility. Among 18 reaches, 8 of them are at higher recreation risk, and also have higher accessibility, classified as dangerous reach; 8 of them are at lower recreation risk, classified as proper recreation reach, and there are 2 reaches that tourists cannot get to the bank. According to the announcement, there are 10 water areas open to the public, and 4 of them are at higher risk, including the top three reaches in the drowning statistics. Besides, these reaches with paths which enable people to pass easily bring more tourists also deserves our consideration.大豹溪山區溪流河道地形河岸易達性遊憩安全Dabou streammountain streamschannel morphologystream bank of accessibilityrecreation safety新北市大豹溪之河道地形與遊憩環境分析