Viphavee Vongpumivitch2014-10-272014-10-272007-10-??本文章主要在回顧2001年1月至2006年7月間由臺灣學者所發表關於英文口語能力評量的研究。本文囊括台灣學者於國內外期刊及國內研討會論文集所發表的文章摘要。在臺灣所發表關於口說評量的十八篇研究中,似乎大部份著重於口語考試類型的難易度。對於間歇時間的模式、自我口說能力的評估及科技對於口說能力評量的使用等議題也已有所探究。本文對於現有的研究進行了批判性的分析並期望能有更多關於診斷式測驗、口說測驗時策略的使用、檔案評量對於口說能力的運用等的研究問世。本文也同時指出七種仍未被臺灣學者研究的議題,而為了擴大在臺灣現有之研究結果的分享交流,本文作者更建議臺灣學者將論文發展於期刊。This paper is a review of studies on the assessment of speaking ability conducted by Taiwanese researchers that were published between January 2001 and July 2006. Papers written by Taiwanese scholars that have been published in international and domestic journals as well as proceedings of conferences held in Taiwan are summarized. Based on a review of eighteen papers, it seems one of the main research focuses has been on the difficulty of speaking test tasks. Other topics that have been addressed are pausing pattern, self-assessment of speaking ability, and the use of technology to assess speaking. The paper presents a critical analysis of the existing studies and calls for more research into other aspects of speaking assessment such as diagnostic testing, strategies used in speaking tests, and portfolio testing of speaking. The paper also identifies seven additional topics in speaking assessment research that remain unexplored in Taiwan. Finally, the paper argues for the need for Taiwanese researchers to submit their works to peer-reviewed journals in order to facilitate wider access to the knowledge base that has already been established in this country.口說能力口說評量文獻回顧speaking abilityspeaking assessmentliterature reviewResearch on EFL Speaking Assessment in Taiwan台灣英文口語能力評量的研究:現有議題與未來方向