謝文全許筱君Hsiao-Chun Hsu2019-08-282006-7-112019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693160065%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91227本研究透過文獻探討和問卷調查,探討我國師範校院目前的現況、困境、轉型可採行的策略、具體作法、步驟以及配套措施,並根據研究發現與結論,提出建議,以供相關機構及人員參考。此外,本研究的研究對象為我國師範校院的校長、副校長及各學院的教師以及教育行政機關人員和中小學校人員,共計發出795份問卷,實得有效樣本492份,問卷處理採用SPSS for Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 綜合文獻探討和問卷調查所得資料,得到以下結論 一、目前我國師範校院的現況乃是依師資培育法的規定來運作,採多元開 放制度,以公費為主自費為輔。 二、目前師範校院遭遇的困境多又大,其中以「優勢消失」及「供需失調」兩項困境最為嚴重。 三、在師範校院轉型策略中,可以產品轉型策略為主,產業別轉型策略、經營型態轉型策略為輔。 四、在促使成員配合師範校院轉型上,應採取實證理性策略,兼用利誘策略並避免採取權力策略。 五、在轉型時權力運用上,應加強上下合作的運用,避免由上而下的強制權力。 六、師範校院在產業別轉型上的具體方式很多,然宜採取的程度雖屬同意但仍偏低。而其中應以優質的師範校院為最優先加強的策略。 七、師範校院在經營型態上轉型應以策略聯盟為主要的轉型方式,而聯盟和合併雖也屬應然面採取的方式,然同意程度偏低,因而不建議優先採用之。 八、師範校院在產品轉型的具體方式很多,如有人員中心策略、組織結構改變策略、工作中心策略、情境中心策略和經營理念再造策略,目前師範校院雖大致做到這些策略,惟尚未充分充實地落實這些具體方式。 九、師範校院在推動轉型時的步驟包含診斷、計畫、執行、評鑑、改善;然目前師範校院實際在推動這些步驟之程度並不算很高,仍有加強與改進之空間。 十、未來不確定性、政策法令限制、資源和支援不足乃為師範校院推動轉型時所遭遇較嚴重的困境。為解決師範校院推動轉型所遭遇的困境,可在法令、資源、師資培育評鑑、教師資格檢定上提出配套措施,以改善師範校院的困境,以確實推動各項轉型策略。 十一、不同背景的人員對師範校院的困境、轉型的策略、具體方式、步驟、配套措施上的看法大體上大同小異,然教育行政機關和師範校院在某些項目上有顯著差異,顯示當前首要之急為加強彼此的溝通互動,減少差異。 根據研究結論以及研究者之意見,對我國師範校院轉型提出下列建議: 一、對師範校院之建議 (一)加強師範校院產品轉型策略之運用。 (二)有效落實師範校院轉型的各項步驟。 (三)主動建立與教育行政機關和各級學校及社區間良好的互動關係,促使資源之相互交流與分享,以利轉型的推動。 二、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)健全師範校院轉型的制度,充分提供相關支援與服務 (二)協助師範校院落實轉型的各項策略 (三)加強推動師資培育機構評鑑的各項配套措施 (四)規劃建立教師資格檢定的相關措施,以提升教師的素質。 (五)改善教育行政機關與師範校院認知上之差異 三、對後續研究之建議 (一)研究內容可擴及到一般設有教育相關系所和師資培育中心的大學之轉型策略。 (二)研究方法可加入訪談法或德懷術,以期能更深入瞭解。 (三)研究對象可擴及到除師範校院外的師資培育機構的人員、中小學的教師以及家長和學生。 (四)研究結果推論上,可再加以探討轉型策略和具體作法的細部規劃和執行程序等措施,藉此建立更為豐富的師範校院轉型策略。The study adopts literature review and questionnaire investigation methods to probed into the current situation, difficulties, transformation strategies, concrete methods, procedure and supplementary measures of Teacher colleges, and offer some suggestions to the people who will apply it. Besides, the subjects of this study are the president, the vice-president, and the professors of Teacher colleges, and educational authorities, and elhi people. The total questionnaires of 795 are dispatched, and the effective samples acquired are 492 copies. These data are analyzed by means of SPSS. Conclusions: 1. The state of play of Teacher colleges is based on the teacher training law, there is plural system and government expense is major and own expense is minor . 2. The advantage disappeared and demand and supply are unbalanced are the most serious trouble of Teacher colleges. 3. We can use the main transformation strategies as product transformation then, we can use the assistant strategy as industrial and model transformation to Teacher colleges. 4. We can adopt the main strategies as empirical-rational strategy then, we can use the assistant strategy as back-scratching strategy, and avoid to adopt power-coercive strategy to promote people to transform.. 5. When Teacher colleges use the power strategy, they should improve the cooperation strategy, and avoid to adopt up to down strategy. 6. Teacher colleges can use many concrete methods of industrial l strategy, but something should to do are not well. Besides, among this, the mostly used one is to be the high quality Teacher colleges. 7. Teacher colleges should adopt strategic alliance as the main strategies of model strategy. Although consortium and consolidation are belong to the feasible strategies, the agree is not very high, and not to adopt first. 8. Teacher colleges can use many concrete methods of product strategy, such as human-center strategy, organization structure changed strategy, work-center strategy, circumstances-center strategy and management concept reengineering strategy . Teacher colleges at present have actualized these strategies though, they haven’t practiced them to full. 9. Teacher colleges can use many procedure to boost transformation, includes diagnose, plan, enforce, evaluation. These procedure are not used very often, there are still space to improve. 10. The uncertainty of future, the restriction of policy and law, and the inadequate resources are the most difficulties of Teacher colleges doing transformation. In order to solve these trouble, we can use some ways to make sure transformation, such as improving laws, resources, teacher training evaluation and the teacher qualifications certification. 11. There are similar with minor differences about the difficulties, transformation strategies, concrete methods, procedure and supplementary measures. But there are remarkable differences about something in Teacher colleges and educational authorities, so increasing the bilateral interaction, and decreasing differences are the mostly things to do. Suggestions: 1. For Teacher colleges (1) To enhance the use of product strategy. (2) To accomplish the steps of Teacher colleges transformation strategies. (3) To establish good interaction with educational authorities, other schools and community, in order to promote to share resources. 2. For Educational Authorities (1) To establish the system of Teacher colleges transformation strategies, and provide support and service. (2) To assist with Teacher colleges to accomplish all transformation strategies. (3) To enhance the evaluation of methods in teacher training organization . (4) To establish the system of teacher qualifications certification, in order to promote the teacher’s humanware. (5) To improve the differences between Teacher colleges and educational authorities. 3. For Further study (1) To broaden the study content to other universities with the center of teacher training. (2) To adopt interview methods or deiphi technique to understand deeply. (3) To broaden the study samples to people in other teacher training organization, elhi teachers, students and parents. (4) To enhance to discuss the details of transformation strategies, concrete methods, and procedures, in order to establish more transformation strategies of Teacher colleges.師範校院轉型轉型策略Teacher collegestransformationtransformation strategies我國師範校院轉型策略之研究A Study on the Transformation Strategies of Teacher Colleges in Taiwan