國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系暨研究所Chen, F. J.2014-10-302014-10-302006-01-010009-4595http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31657本文目標有二:首先,在理論上嘗試對漢語動詞重複句與雙賓句,進行系統的分析與多層面的描述,並佐以300位華語教師與華語母語人士的語法判斷結果。除了從句法和語義的角度外,亦從認知侷限的觀點,兼談漢語動詞重複句與雙賓句共同的制約現象;同時從篇章功能的角度,期能解決動詞重複句在句法上一些難解的現象。其次,在教學應用上,將本文分析結果納入教學語法的架構,並呈現華語母語人士的趨向性用法,以提供華語教師與教材編寫者排序性與累進性的原則。The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, at the theoretical level, it aims to construct a systematic description of verb-copying and double-object constructions in Chinese at various levels of linguistic analysis. This description is substantiated by the results of grammaticality judgment tasks among 300 native-speaking teachers of L2 Chinese and native speakers of Chinese. Apart from syntactic and semantic analysis, this paper also seeks to present verb-copying and double-object constructions within a unified framework with respect to the notion of cognitive constraint. Some study is made of the discourse level to explain non-obligatory use of verb copying that cannot be readily accounted for at the sentence level. Secondly, at the pedagogical level, this article incorporates the results of the multi-level linguistic analysis into the framework of pedagogical grammar. The aim is to provide teachers and textbook writers of L2 Chinese with information based on authentic language use and arranged according to the concepts of sequentiality and cumulativeness to better provide instructional input and benefit L2 learners of Chinese.Verb-Copying and Double-Object Constructions in Chinese: From the Perspectives of Cognitive Constraint and Discourse Function