黃博聖劉政宏陳學志Po-Sheng HuangCheng-Hong LiuHsueh-Chih Chen2019-08-122019-08-122017-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80904教師或他人所提供之回饋,是影響學習表現的重要因素。本研究目的在探討人們對於正向與負向回饋的觀看傾向與回憶效果,以及在不同結果狀態(好結果或壞結果)下,是否會影響人們對回饋的處理。在研究中,先請參與者填寫心理健康量表,透過給與虛構的心理健康百分等級分數,來操弄結果狀態(高分結果、低分結果),並使用眼動儀來記錄正向與負向回饋的觀看時間,接著進行自由回憶與再認回憶的測量。研究結果指出:(1)人們傾向會對負向回饋有較多的觀看時間與較好的再認回憶,支持解困模式的觀點;(2)結果狀態並未改變人們對回饋的觀看與回憶,不論是在好結果或壞結果的情境下,皆會對負向回饋有較多的觀看與再認。最後,討論本研究結果在理論文獻與教育實務的貢獻與應用。Feedback provided by teachers or others is one of the most important factors in learning situation. Do people prefer to process and recall positive or negative feedback? Would the processing and memory of different feedback be affected by different outcome situations? These are the questions our research concerned. An experiment was conducted to examine the influence of outcome status (high score or low score) on the attending and memory of positive or negative feedback. The measurement of Mental Health was used to give a bogus score to manipulate the outcome status. We used an eye-tracking system to record the viewing time of feedback, and then asked the participants to recall and recognize the feedback. Overall, the results show that (a) participants would view negative feedback longer and recognize better than positive feedback so the resolution model was supported, and (b) outcome status would not influence the processing and recall of feedback because participants would view or recognize more of negative feedback regardless of high or low score outcome situations . Implications of psychological theory and practice are discussed.回饋價性注意記憶眼動儀結果狀態attentioneye-tracking systemfeedback valencememoryoutcome status不同結果狀態對正、負向回饋的注意與回憶效果The influence of Outcome Status on the attending and memory of positive and negative feedback.