國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所李文旗張俊彥2014-12-022014-12-022003-03-01http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42518九年一貫課程改革基本理念中提到,新課程應培養具備人本情懷與統整能力,以及能進 行終身學習(包括:主動探究、解決問題等)之健全國民。在自然科學的四大學科之中 (物理、化學、生物、地球科學),地球科學是一門與人類生活環境最密切相關的科學, 而且本身兼具極強的統整特性。因此,本主題課程主要目的為希望藉由『地球系統』概 念的介紹,引導國中學生進入『自然與生活科技』的學習領域,並教導他們如何以一種 新的統整概念來學習,且以正確的態度建立基本的科學素養。同時因為『地球系統』課 程具有統整的特性,所以可以讓學生在一個他們每天生活且熟悉的情境--「地球」中, 學習到整體的科學概念與知識。 這個主題課程單元的編排,雖是以地球為核心,但卻適時融入生物(如:生物和環 境)和理化(元素和化合物)之概念,希冀初步達成課程統整之理想。另外,透過不同 教學方法與策略的設計,應可讓學生培養系統性思考與問題解決的能力。最後,在教學 中適時讓學生以美學的角度來欣賞地球之美和融入科學發展的歷程。期許往後之課程設 計循『地球系統』為主軸來發展出更多類似的課程和單元,以達成九年一貫課程之教學 理念與目標。Recent curriculum reform document, the 1-9 grades curriculum guidelines emphasize to develop students’ human-touched attitudes, integrated skills, and life-long learning abilities (including active inquiry and problem solving) and habits for the future society. Earth science is a unique science subject among other science content areas (physics, chemistry, biology) in terms of its interdisciplinary and integrated nature, not mentioning it is most relevant to students' everyday lives and our environment. Therefore, the purpose of the newly developed course was to introduce the concept of “Earth system”, lead students into the areas of Science and Life Technology, teach them how to learn new things with integrated ideas, and to develop students’ appropriate attitudes and fundamental scientific literacy. Because of the integrated nature of Earth-system based course, it can put students into the context (the Earth) that they are familiar with and live on everyday in order to help them learn integrated concept and knowledge in science. By incorporating concepts in biology (living organisms and environment) and physics and chemistry (elements and compounds) into Earth systems, the new course could be deemed as the first step stone in integrating science curriculum. Besides, with different instructional methods and teaching strategies, such as teaching history and appreciation of science, embedded in the new course, it might also cultivate students’ system-thinking and problem solving-abilities. At last, the new course might serve as bases for future development of integrated curricular for the 1-9 grades in Taiwan.九年一貫課程中等學校地球系統問題解決「自然與生活科技」統整課程設計-以「地球系統」為主軸