李欣倫Li, Hsin-lun2016-05-062016-05-062015-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78167施叔青近十多年跟隨聖嚴法師習佛,先後出版了聖嚴法師傳記《枯木開花》及《心在何處》,從序文中可側面知悉佛學與施叔青創作《行過洛津》之關聯。此文欲探析施叔青的習佛經驗,對其小說作品《行過洛津》和《風前塵埃》有何影響?本文從兩類不同的文本切入,包括《枯木開花》、《心在何處》這類記錄大師風範和佛教行腳的書寫,以及《行過洛津》和《風前塵埃》兩部長篇小說,且從「身體」的角度著眼,首先爬梳施叔青習佛歷程和體悟,再者以佛教對身體的無常、因緣合和之說,析論《行過洛津》中「白骨觀」在小說中的效用,及《風前塵埃》中各種角色所展現出的「掩映的身體」。以前者來說,「白骨觀」正反兩面映襯小說中的「身體」描述,既正面揭示身體的終極衰損真相,亦反面映襯戲子供人取樂的身體;以後者來說,男性和女性對待身體的方式和所產生的觀點,隱然強化了肉身的強健永恆,然願空和尚為亡靈進行的佛教超度儀式,既為政治身體辨證,又扣合「風前塵埃」所傳遞的「諸行無常,盛者必衰」之不可侍之身體觀。以兩部小說所展現的「掩映的身體」來看,施叔青在審視國族認同議題,自是帶有一份超越性的目光。Shih Shu-ching has been practicing Buddhism with Master Sheng-Yen for the last ten years, and has published Master Sheng-Yen’s biography Deadwood Blossom and Where the Mind Resides, a travel book about pilgrimage. However, few have studied the associations between Shih’s novels and these two books. This paper aims to analyze how Shih Shu-ching’s Buddhist training influences her novels Walk Through Luojin and Dust in the Wind. For the first novel, we analyze how Shih uses the Buddhist perspective on body, “Practices of the Bones of the Dead,” to convey Buddhism’s understanding of the body as impermanent. In Dust in the Wind, though there are no obvious Buddhism references, the author still uses the strong and weak bodies to portrait Buddhism’s body perspective and to convey the samemessage.施叔青佛教身體觀身體感知《行過洛津》《風前塵埃》Shih Shu-chingBuddhism body perspectivebody experiencesWalk Through LuojinDust in the Wind聲色一場:從施叔青習佛經驗讀《行過洛津》和《風前塵埃》中的身體Flashing Glamor: Interpreting the Body Experiences in Walk Through Luojin and Dust in the Wind from Shih Shu-ching’s Buddhist Experience