卓俊伶Hank Junling Jwo陳貞儀Zhen-yi Chen2019-09-052005-6-302019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1043005%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104858以介質模仿動作的相對位置及年齡差異探討 研究生:陳貞儀 指導者:卓俊伶博士 日 期:2005年6月 摘 要 本研究以觀察學習和模仿的觀點為基礎,進一步檢核Chen and Jwo(2003, 2004)有關示範者背向實驗參加者進行示範的研究結果,本研究採操弄介質之間接模仿方式,探討示範者與實驗參加者間相對位置和動作模仿之關係。研究對象以南部某國小四年級女生(M = 10.0歲,SD = 0.3歲)及某幼稚園大班學齡前女童(M = 5.9歲,SD = 0.3歲)各12名共計24名。實驗期間示範者分別採正向及背向實驗參加者,示範不同的兩款動作型式,實驗參加者操弄實驗介質(木頭人形模型)進行模仿,模仿過程全程錄影。評分者間信度一致性為91.0%,評分者內信度一致性為87.6%。經2(年齡)×2(相對位置)混合設計二因子變異數分析 (two-way ANOVA),其中相對位置為重複量數,及卡方考驗,結果顯示:(一)在正向動作下動作品質表現年齡較長者優於年幼者、(二)操弄介質所需時間並無差異、(三)介質面向與示範者方向一致、(四)介質上下肢段順序多由上肢至下肢操弄及(五)介質各肢段操作方向多由中心至末端。 關鍵詞:介質(mediator)、模仿(imitation)、相對位置(relative positions)、 年齡差異(age differences)、示範(demonstration)Effects of Relative Positions and Age Differences on Motor Imitation by Mediator Master’s Thesis, 2005 Zhen-yi Chen Advisor: Hank Junling Jwo, Ph.D. ABSTRACT This study was designed to further determine findings of Chen and Jwo’s studies (2003, 2004) on relative positions between demonstrator and learner in observational learning and modeling. Indirect approach by manipulating the mediator (wooden manikin) was used. Twelve female fourth graders (M = 10.0 years, SD = 0.3 years) and twelve female senior kindergarteners (M = 5.9 years, SD = 0.3 years) were served as participants, whom were offered two trials to perform the bimanual movement pattern under face-face and back-face relative positions with manipulating the mediator. The videotaped data were analyzed and the inter-rater and intra-rater reliabilities were 91.0% and 87.6% respectively. 2 (age) ×2 (relative positions) two-way ANOVA mixed design with relative positions as repeated measures, and chi-square test revealed that (1) the elder children were better than the younger ones in performance of motor under face-face, (2) there were no differences between groups under relative positions in manipulating time, (3) the face-direct were same both of the mediator and the demonstrator, (4) the processes of manipulating mediator were from upper limbs to lower limbs and from midline to periphery. Key words: mediator, imitation, relative positions, age differences, demonstration.介質模仿相對位置年齡差異示範mediatorimitationrelative positionsage differencesdemonstration以介質模仿動作的相對位置及年齡差異探討Effects of Relative Positions and Age Differences on Motor Imitation by Mediator