曾宇良宋承恩Yu-Liang TsengCheng-En Song2014-10-272014-10-272012-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23760魚池鄉紅茶產業發展自日治時期,為魚池鄉最重要的農產業,過去在日本殖民政策下快速發展,奠定紅茶產業的基礎,1970 年代隨著全球市場的競爭,紅茶從大量外銷走向沒落,但在921地震後的產業重建,再度找回昔日的榮景,成為魚池鄉重要的地方產業。本研究主旨在探討不同時期魚池鄉紅茶產業的發展過程,生產關係的改變對產業發展之影響。紅茶產業的基礎生產關係建立在茶農與茶廠的互動上,日治時期,日本掌握土地、技術與工廠等生產資本,以壟斷地租的形式控制魚池鄉的紅茶產業,隨著戰後國民政府接收,制約生產關係的權力結構轉移,魚池鄉紅茶產業發生地理上的重整與強化,其後不敵國外紅茶產區的低價競爭,權力結構漸趨鬆綁,茶農將土地轉作他用,促成農業地景的轉變。如今紅茶產業再起,市場由全球轉向在地,轉型後朝向精緻化經營,更透過阿薩姆紅茶文化季強化地方產業的定位。未來魚池鄉紅茶產業要持續發展,除了生產上受到茶廠與地權的限制外,其他茶區的紅茶生產也掀起地域性的競爭,挑戰魚池身為台灣紅茶故鄉的地位。Yuchih black tea industry had developed since Japanese colonial period, and played a important role in Yuchih. Black tea industry were encouraged to start growing by colonial policy, and it largely contributed to the foundation of black tea industry. Due to the competition in global markets, Yuchih black tea has been facing long-term recession since 1970s. After 921 Earthquake, people struggled to rebuilt Yuchih black tea industry that has been headed out of recession and became a important local industry. This study discusses the development of Yuchih black tea industry and the relation of production changing that affect the industry during different period. The basic relation of production produced from tea farmer and tea factory. According to the concept of monopoly rent, Japan dominated Yuchih black tea industry by controlling lands, technology and factory. After the Second World War, Republic of China government received and allocated power between farmers and landowners. There occurred geographical merger and enhancement in Yuchih. While the foreign black tea production became cheaper, the landscape of Yuchih tea land was also changed. Now Yuchih black tea industry has revived. Black tea industry transforms to refined operations, which includes holding Yuchih Black Tea Festival that has an orientation towards local industry. In the future, Yuchih Black Tea industry will develop sustainability in addition to tea factory and land ownership which limits black tea to production. Other black tea production area in Taiwan also enters the competition that challenge to Yuchih black tea industry.紅茶生產關係壟斷地租地方產業魚池鄉Black teaRelation of productionMonopoly rentLocal industryYuchih township從社會生產關係探討魚池鄉紅茶產業變遷影響The influence of social relation of production on black tea industry change in Yuchih Township