洪榮昭劉夢如2019-08-282018-2-192019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098A02103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88928本研究旨在探究Strike up遊戲對學習障礙學童學習整數四則運算的成效,以提升學習障礙學童數學學習的興趣與整數四則運算的能力。研究者選擇一位國小六年級數學學習障礙學生並搭配一位班上的同儕進行教學介入,採取行動研究法,透過研究參與者訪談資料、學習數學接受度問卷及研究者觀察記錄,評估個案學習態度之變化與整數四則運算能力的進步情形。 研究結果發現應用Strike up遊戲並依據學生個別差異調整遊戲內容的教學介入方案後,整數四則運算的列式的型式種類與嘗試錯誤的情形皆有提高。另一部分從二個方面來分析學童數學態度的改善情形:(1)自我效能;(2)學習數學焦慮,透過研究者自編問卷與各方訪談資料,學生在學習數學的自我效能變佳,數學焦慮的情形降低,並且願意接受更有挑戰的學習與嘗試思考其中的內涵。 研究建議,若教師在教學過程中能使用遊戲式的教學媒材,並依據個案的個別學習狀況做漸進式調整,相信能提供學生一個良好的學習環境,並能有效的達到教學目標。This study aimed to explore the efficacy of a mathematical game entitled “Strike up” in assisting students with learning disabilities to grasp the principles of the four mathematical arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). A sixth grade student subject with mathematic learning disability was chosen with a peer from the same class in the present study. The students were subjected to teaching interventions. Based on action research, data on student’s (1) learning self-efficacy, and (2) math-learning anxiety were collected and analyzed through means of interviews, questionnaire and researchers ’observatory records. The results revealed students with increased learning self-efficacy tend to have lower math-learning anxiety, in other words, by adjusting game difficulties, the use of “Strike up” can lead to improved learning outcomes in students with learning disabilities, as well as raising their math learning interests. The results from the present study suggests, the use of game is a suitable media in education, by taking into account the learning progress of different students, and make adjustments accordingly, a better teaching learning outcome can be achieved.Strike up遊戲數學學習障礙Strike up gamelearning disability數學學習障礙學童應用Strike up遊戲學習整數四則運算之成效研究Using Strike up game to improve arithmetic operation ability in children with mathematical learning disabilities