許慧如Khoo, Hui-lu吳宜娟Wu, Yi-Chuan2023-12-082023-02-152023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a7951bd45557ec027930d0383298df2b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119820本研究旨在探討修畢臺師大109學年度開辦之「台語學分班第二專長班及學士後B班」的中學臺文課準教師,其參與台語學分班之動機與其背景變項有無相關之處,並了解其在修課過程中遇到的困境因應是否與動機有關。最後則是探究其教授台語的意願與動機的相關性。研究方法採取半結構式訪談法,於第二專長班及學士後B班的學員中各選取10位,共20位受訪者進行電話訪談。研究結論如下:一、教師修習中學台語學分班之動機以求知興趣最多。二、年齡層較低之學員動機以求知興趣為主。三、學士後B班學員進修動機以職業進展與求知興趣為主。四、過去的學習經驗影響進修動機。五、不論進修動機為何,在臺語文各項能力皆有增長。六、持續進修的原因與動機互相呼應。七、有意願擔任中學臺文課專任教師者動機以求知興趣及職業進展為主。建議如下:一、針對不同語言別或不同大學學分班進行研究。二、追蹤111學年度本土語課程實施後,教師的教學成效。The purpose of this thesis is to explore whether the future Taiwanese language teachers in junior and senior high school, who have completed the second specialty class of language arts with specialism in Taiwanese and post-baccalaureate class B held by National Taiwan Normal University in the 2020(109) academic, are related concerning their motives and their background variables. In addition, the thesis clarify whether the difficulties they encounter in the course are related to their motivation. The last part of the thesis is to explore the correlation between their willingness and their motivation to teach Taiwanese. The semi-structured interview method was adopted in this thesis. 10 students were selected from the second specialty class and 10 students from the post-bachelor class B. A total of 20 interviewees were interviewed by telephone.Research findings: 1. The motivation ofteachers to take the second specialty class of language arts with specialism in Taiwanese and the post-baccalaureate class B in middle school are mainly based on interest in learning and knowledge. 2. The motivation of younger future Taiwanese language teachers are mainly based on interest in learning and knowledge. 3. Students of post-baccalaureate class B are mainly based on career development and interest in learning and knowledge. 4. Past learning experience affects motivation for further study. 5. Regardless of the motivation for further study, all abilities in Taiwanese language have increased. 6. Reasons for continuing education are linked to motivation.7. Those who are willing to serve as full-time teachers of Taiwanese language in junior and senior high schools are mainly motivated by their interest in learning and knowledge and career development.Research Recommendations: 1. Conduct research for different languages or different college’s second specialty class. 2. Track the teaching effectiveness of teachers after the implementation of the local language course in the 2022(111) academic year.第二專長班進修動機台語學分班學士後B班Motivation for Further StudyPost-baccalaureate Class Bthe second specialty class of language arts with specialism in Taiwanese中學臺文課準教師的進修動機研究A Study on the Motivation of Future Taiwanese Language Teachers in Junior and Senior High Schooletd