國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系張鑑如2014-12-022014-12-022009-12-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/41452本研究採縱貫期研究方式,分析嬰幼兒與母親(或主要照顧者)共讀圖書之方式,並探討共讀方式與嬰幼兒年齡、嬰幼兒對書本之熟悉度和嬰幼兒溝通能力之關係。此外,本研究也將分析嬰幼兒在一、兩歲時與母親(或主要照顧者)共讀圖書之經驗與幼兒三歲時語文能力的關係。研究對象為四十五名一歲幼兒和他們的母親(或主要照顧者),目前已完成幼兒在14、20、26個月大時的家庭訪談,蒐集到母親與幼兒共讀熟悉與不熟悉書之語料和多項問卷量表資料,包括親子共讀經驗問卷、華語嬰幼兒溝通發展量表、嬰幼兒綜合發展測驗等。共讀語料採兒童語料交換系統CHAT格式作轉譯和編碼,並使用CLAN軟體作分析,目前已轉譯完成三次訪談所蒐集之共讀語料並完成第一次語料之初步分析。研究者將在幼兒38個月大時進行最後一次訪談,並評估幼兒讀寫萌發和故事理解等能力。本研究結果可彌補國內在親子共讀互動方式和成效研究之不足,並可作為未來發展嬰幼兒親子共讀活動和介入方案的重要依據,對於學術研究、親子教育和嬰幼兒語文教育都將有所貢獻。This study aims to explore (1) the interaction between infants and mothers (or caregivers) during book reading over time, (2) the effect of age, familiarity of books to infants, and communicative ability of infants on the interaction pattern of book reading, and (3) the relationship between family book reading practices as well as the interaction pattern during book reading and the infants’ later language and literacy performance. Forty-five infants and their mothers were recruited to join this project. They were visited at home when the infants were 14, 20, and 26 months old. The mothers were asked to read two books, one familiar and the other unfamiliar, with the infants, to answer questions about book reading practices at home, and to fill out a checklist about the communicative ability of the infants at each visit. The whole process of the interview was video and audio taped; the interaction during joint book reading was transcribed using the CHAT format and analyzed using the CLAN programs. The last visit will be scheduled when the infants are 38 months old. Children’s ability in emergent literacy and story comprehension will be assessed at the last visit. In view of sparse research on joint book reading in Taiwan, this study will enrich our knowledge about mother-infant interaction during book reading and on the effect of book reading experiences on infants’ language and literacy ability. Results of this project will provide important educational implications for early and family literacy programs.母親與嬰幼兒共讀圖書:三年縱貫期研究(1/3)