李新民黃文三沈碩彬Hsing-Ming LeeWen-San HuangShuo-Pin Shen2016-05-062016-05-062014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78314本研究以兒童文教事業高齡工作者為研究對象,發展心理資本學習介入方案,透過實驗研究來探討此一方案的成效。研究者採用不等組前測--後測設計,以60 名兒童文教事業高齡工作者為實驗對象,其中30 名施予心理資本學習介入方案,另30 名進行健康管理回春課程。在實驗研究前後,蒐集全體受試者的心理資本、組織承諾、工作滿意與工作表現等測量資料,進行統計分析。其結果顯示:介入方案可以有效提升高齡工作者的心理資本、組織承諾、工作滿意與工作表現。故,依據本研究發現,特針對提升兒童文教事業高齡工作者的心理資本提升及未來研究提出相關建議。This study investigated elderly workers in children's culture and education institutes aiming to develop the psychological capital (PsyCap) learning intervention program, and to explore the effects of this program with research experiment. This research adopted nonequivalent pretest-posttest design, where 60 elderly workers in children's culture and education institutes were randomly selected as subjects for test. Thirty of them took the PsyCap learning intervention program, while the other half took the health management curriculum. All the measurement data resulting from the four scales, PsyCap, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance, were collected for statistical analysis. The research results indicated that the intervention program significantly enhanced the elderly workers' PsyCap, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance. Suggested future researches and improvement for elderly workers' intervention program in children's culture and education institutes were also mentioned in this research.工作表現工作滿意心理資本學習介入方案兒童文教事業高齡工作者組織承諾job performancejob satisfactionpsychological capital learning intervention programelderly workers in children's culture and education institutesorganizational commitment兒童文教事業高齡工作者的心理資本學習介入方案之實施成效分析The Effects of Psychological Capital Learning Intervention Program for Elderly Workers in Children's Culture and Education Institutes