國立臺灣師範大學圖文傳播學系吳祖銘2014-10-302014-10-302000-10-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36529自本世紀以來,藉由科技昌明與知識普及的趨勢,就科技發展的歷程來看,昨日智慧的累積,延伸出今日生活的實踐,研究人類科技史,宛若藉鏡過往,回顧與反思自身的發展,在人類文明價值的重大意義。 石版印刷已消失至少五十年的時間,目前各種相關工廠、工具、技術都已難以找到,有些早期印刷品、書籍、商標可以在二手市場找到,或是專業圖書館的善本書,盛行的原因一則可能是它的特性,快速而簡便,所以印製出來的成品,偏向以大眾需求為主導,出版品並不是非常精審,價格也相對的便宜許多,因此它如何發生,背景及影響如何,為何結束正是研究要旨所在。 1981年,研究者因協助師大陳景容教授為版畫製作尋訪石版版材,得緣結識位於台北市康定路早期石版印刷業者──昭明社,雖然其後於火災災變後結束營業,但將以此線索尋訪該經營事主;1982年,研究者因協助版畫家劉自明先生,購得台北市西藏路信華印刷王大明老師傅所藏之落石機,並以鋅版仿石版原理完成首宗平版畫創作。 根據以上所述,本研究目的有: 1. 考證石版印刷術傳入台灣的緣由與歷史背景。 2. 發掘與整理台灣石版印刷使用之相關機材、文物與出版品。 3. 了解石版印刷術在台灣的發展史實、技術的擴散與歷史定位。 本研究性質屬於「質」的研究分析工作,係以台灣石版印刷術興衰發展史考為主要探討課題,配合具有歷史的石印業者之佐證,擬透過歷史文獻的分析、田野調查的觀察與紀錄、口述歷史的耆老與專業前輩的錄音訪談,並透過專家諮詢方式,提供訪談前問題的指導,資料整理後進一步客觀的研討,並透過影片、影帶及幻燈片拍攝原始資料,包括靜態文物與動態實景的紀錄,俾供驗證與提供後續研究之需要。 研究預定成果分別為: 1. 具體指出石版印刷術在台灣的發展階段,比較其歷史價值。 2. 明確列述本發展階段的史實脈絡與重要文物,建立台灣石版印刷文物圖錄,以供博物館收藏單位典藏之指引。 3. 拍攝紀錄本階段石版印刷相關幻燈圖片、動態影片資料,以供驗證與後續發展科技影片,輔佐靜態文物展示的需要,提供科技影片素材蒐集的參考。From the process of technical development until now, its achievement accumulated by the wisdom of past. There're many stages like mirror that displayed the history. It's so importent to point out the civilization value to the human being. The original lithography was disappeared in mass-production for 50 years. It's hard to find the factorys., tools, and technicians right now. Some old book, paper, and logo was printed by lithography in second hand markets and associations. Due to the quick work, cheap, and easy factors, history always ignored about them. Hense, what it happen, how the background and influence, why it ended? Just the theme of this study. There're some hints happened by a chance due to Mr. Chen, Ging-Ring , who was the professor of National Taiwan Normal University , to find the printing plates, then I knowing the former lithograph company GiauMing Group Co. In 1982, I with Mr. Liu, TsuMing, who was the painter, brought the stone and equipments for lithograph to his workshop. So he finished the first Painting by Zinc plate with that machine in Taiwan. Because many cases like above, this technic transferred from reproduction to arts. It's the great time to reserve the great puzzle behind the history when it already disappear more than 50 years. According to above, the research purpose of this study stated as follow: 1. to find out the opportunity and background of Taiwan's lithography. 2. to collect the relative articles and equipments. 3. to realize the long-term technical with fact and orientation. The methods used in this study are focused at the happened fact so adopt the quality method to visiting, discussing, analyzing with kinds of specialists. The multi-records methods are photos, cinemas, videos in order to prove the process and further discuss. The study results are: 1. to point out the development stages of Taiwan's lithography. 2. to collect the relative articles for further reference. 3. to shot the media in order to saving the witness.印刷石版印刷術台灣印刷史PrintingLithographyPrinting History of Taiwan台灣石版印刷術的傳入與發展之研究The Study of Spread and Development of Lithography in Taiwan