闕月清Keh Nyit Chin宋俊穎Chen-Ying Sung2019-09-052006-7-202019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692300230%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105550摘 要 教學是一種師生相互影響的歷程,教學互動的內涵對於學生的學習情形具有重要之影響。本研究目的在探究理解式球類教學情境下學生的比賽表現學習效果、學生所建構的認知內容與體育課的互動內容。研究參與對象為一位國小體育專家教師與其授課五年級之一班,包含男生15位,女生15位,共30位學生。本研究共計實施12節課之6個理解式籃球教學單元,透過文件蒐集、參與觀察與訪談等研究方法蒐集質性資料,並以比賽表現評量工具GPAI進行前、後測驗。本研究所蒐集之質性資料以持續比較方法進行分析;量化資料採獨立樣本t考驗與共變數分析加以處理。研究結果發現:1.五年級學童的籃球比賽表現在理解式球類教學後有明顯進步;不同性別學生對於比賽表現能力的學習效果沒有差別。2.學童在理解式球類教學情境下對於籃球比賽的認知內容為探究問題解決的行動知識,主要透過互動的經驗建構,並以行動實踐來印證。3.理解式球類教學情境下的師生互動主要形式為教師提問與學生回答;能力的差異為學生彼此互動內容的影響主因;學習經驗主要為解構與再建構之歷程,並與體育課形式中所含的教育意義彼此互相關連。本研究之發現期可提供體育教師與師培機構作為理解式教學方面之參考。Abstract Teaching is a process influenced by teacher-student interaction. The content of teaching and learning interaction could make a critical impact on student learning. The purpose of this study was to examine students’ game performance, students’ cognitive content they have constructed, and students’ interaction in physical education classes in the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) context. The participants of this study included one male expert physical education teacher and one of his fifth grade classes which included fifteen boys and fifteen girls, a total of 30 students. Six TGfU basketball units of 12 lessons were conducted in the study. The qualitative data were collected by documents collecting, participant observation, and interviews. Pre-test and post-test scores of students’ game performance were collected using Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI). Constant comparison method was used in analyzing the qualitative data. The quantitative data was analysed by t-test for indepndent samples and ANCOVA. The results of this study were as follows: 1. After the teaching of TGfU, the fifth grade students made significant progress in basketball games; students with different gender showed the same learning effect. 2. The cognitive contents of students in TGfUcontext were about action knowledge for inquiring problem solving, that was mainly constructed with interactive experience and proved with practical action. 3.Under TGfU, the main interaction between the teacher and students was teacher queationing and students responding; the main influential factor of students' interaction was their ability difference; learning experience was the main process of destruction and re-construction, and related to the education meaning of physical education. The results of the study could be used as reference for physical education teachers and teacher education institute in TGfU approach.理解式球類教學籃球認知內容互動GPAITGfUbasketball cognition contentsinteractionGPAI國小五年級體育課互動研究—以理解式籃球教學為例Teaching Basketball Games for Understanding: An Interaction Study of Fifth Grade Students in Primary School Physical Education Classes