陳子瑋Tze-wei Chen張雨亭Yu-ting Chang2019-09-032009-8-272019-09-032009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694250221%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96034本研究希望幫助翻譯研究所畢業生,以更多元的角度,思考就業選擇。本研究整理電視新聞編譯的工作流程與特性,並歸納過去研究,認為探討口、筆譯訓練對電視新聞編譯是否有正面幫助,可引用心理學的「自我效能」理論,即是「對於自己達成特定成就表現之行動能力的判斷」。 本研究針對電視新聞編譯者發出問卷,將問卷資料以統計軟體分析,結果證實口、筆譯訓練對電視新聞編譯者有正面幫助,可提升電視新聞編譯者的自我效能,也就是透過口、筆譯訓練,電視新聞編譯者對於從事新聞編譯的信心,以及完成工作目標或成就表現的信心皆得以增加。Students of graduate institutes of translation and interpretation can have many choices when they choose their career, and news translator may be a good option. This study shows how a television news translator work, and presents the effects of T&I training on television news translation. Self-efficacy is people’s perception of their ability to plan and take action to reach a particular goal, and is used in this study to investigate the effects of T&I training. The data shows T&I training has a positive impact on television news translators. Those translators with T&I training have higher perception of Self-efficacy. They are more confident on their job and career, and more optimistic to achieve their goals.口筆譯訓練電視新聞編譯自我效能T&I trainingtelevision news translationSelf-efficacy口筆譯訓練對電視新聞編譯人員自我效能之影響初探A Preliminary Study on the Effects of T&I Training on the Self-efficacy of TV News Transeditors