柯皓仁Hao-Ren KeYen Wen温晏2019-08-282012-2-222019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698150194%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89301公共圖書館與國民小學的合作服務,是兩種不同性質的機構發揮彼此專業,整合資源,提供更完善多元的服務,讓學生有更豐富的學習資源,教師有更多元的教學資源。本研究旨在探討臺灣公共圖書館與國民小學合作服務之情況,包含合作原因、合作方式、合作項目、合作成功與困難因素,以及合作所帶來的影響。 本研究首先探討美國與其他國家之公共圖書館與學校圖書館合作服務的實例;其次透過半結構式深度訪談進行資料蒐集,訪談24位受訪者,包含15位公共圖書館館員及9位小學教師。研究發現:(1)合作方式有配合申請政府推廣計畫及自行推行合作服務兩種情形;(2)合作項目以借閱證服務和閱讀推廣活動最多;(3)運作方式為公共圖書館主動提供服務給國民小學及國民小學主動向公共圖書館提出資源需求;(4)合作成功的主要因素為工作人員和相關人員的支持;(5)合作遇到的困難以中央政府推行計畫不延續、公共圖書館人力不足與不穩定為主;(6) 對公共圖書館及館員的主要影響為提升借閱率、提升圖書館形象及促成與教師共同規劃活動;(7)對國小教師及學生的主要影響為有助閱讀推廣及提升學生對公共圖書館 的認識。 根據研究發現,本研究分別針對中央政府、輔導機關、地方政府、公共圖書館及國民小學提出建議。在中央政府方面,建議推行長期專案計畫、增加公共圖書館正式編制人員、小學圖書館設置專任館員或圖書教師、成立小學圖書館館員協會及中小學圖書館輔導團;在輔導機關方面,建議建立推廣公共圖書館與國民小學合作服務之團隊、建立合作服務資訊分享平台、開設相關專業知能培訓課程;在地方政府方面,應投入更多資源於公共圖書館之經營;在公共圖書館方面,與地方政府和社區團體建立良好關係、由小規模至大規模合作、組成合作服務之團隊、加強媒體宣傳;在國民小學方面,主動爭取公共圖書館的資源、提供合作的聯絡窗口、共享資源給公共圖書館、提供教師教學及學生學習所需資源清單。Cooperation between public libraries and elementary schools enables integration of expertise and resources from institutions with different characters. Due to limited resources, if public libraries and elementary-school libraries hang together, both of them can provide better services and abundant learning/teaching resources for children and teachers of elementary schools. This thesis aims at investigating cooperation between public libraries and elementary-school libraries in Taiwan, including reasons for cooperation, how the cooperation was implemented, cooperation activities, factors of success, encountered difficulties, and impacts after the cooperation was realized. Firstly, this thesis surveyed the cooperation between public libraries and school libraries in the U.S., and other countries. Then, this study adopted the qualitative research approach and conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews to collect data. Twenty-four interviewees, including fifteen public library librarians and nine teachers of elementary schools, were contacted. The major findings of this thesis are as follows: (1) The cooperation may be initiated by applying for subsidies from the Ministry of Education, or by their own budgets. (2) The major cooperation activities are library cards for educators/schools, reading programs, and schools visits to public libraries. (3) Public libraries may offer elementary schools services proactively; on the other hand, elementary schools may proposes their requests to public libraries. (4) Support from related stakeholders, and enthusiastic librarians and teachers are the key success factor. (5) The primary difficulties of cooperation are unstable and shortage of staff in public libraries, misunderstanding between public libraries and elementary schools, and non-continued subsidies. (6) The primary effects upon public libraries include an improved circulation rate and reputation, and enabling cooperation with teachers. (7) The primary effects upon teachers and students of elementary schools lie in increasing the habit of reading and a deeper understanding of the role of public libraries in their life-long learning. Based on the results, the thesis proposes the following suggestions for central governments, counseling agencies, local governments, public libraries and elementary schools. In terms of central governments, it suggests that they can continuously support the cooperation between public libraries and elementary schools, increase the formal staff of public libraries, establish full-time and professional librarians for elementary schools or teacher librarians, and set up the association of elementary school libraries and the advisory group. In terms of counseling agencies, it is expected that they can establish a team for promoting cooperation between public libraries and elementary schools, set up the information sharing service web site, and offer related training courses. In terms of local governments, it is suggested that they should invest more resources in public libraries and elementary schools. In terms of public libraries, it is suggested that they can make up a good relationship with local governments and community groups, start cooperation from small-scale projects, build up a team for cooperation services, and reinforce media advertising. In terms of elementary schools, it is suggested that they can proactively cooperate with public libraries, provide contact windows for cooperation, share resources with public libraries, and provide the public libraries with resources requirements for teachers teaching and students learning.公共圖書館學校圖書館兒童服務合作服務夥伴關係Public LibrariesSchool LibrariesServices for childrenCooperation ServicesPartnership臺灣公共圖書館與國民小學合作服務之研究A Study on Cooperation between Public Libraries and Elementary Schools in Taiwan