洪女玉胡益進2014-10-272014-10-272007-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17962本研究旨在探討高中學生對無菸校園意見及其相關因素。以台中縣某高中全體學生為母全體。本研究採問卷調查方式,以分層隨機抽樣,共獲得502份有效問卷, 收集的資料經處理與統計分析後,得到以下重要發現:一、研究對象的菸害知識屬中上程度;反菸態度偏向正向,拒菸自我效能佳;對無菸校園的意見偏向正向。 二、研究對象對無菸校園的意見偏向正向,但其中以「無菸校園推動困難度」分量表得分最低,傾向認為無菸校園規定繁瑣,會增加我的麻煩。有六成以上學生認為 有關吸菸危害警告標語的勸阻效果及反菸活動是有效的。三、研究對象獲得無菸校園及菸害防制法相關資訊,獲得情形屬中等。未來希望獲得資訊的管道為雜誌相關 文宣資料、融入正式課程、演講及網路。四、學生性別、成績排行、吸菸行為、吸菸知識、反菸態度、拒菸自我效能、支持性環境、相關資訊的獲得及學校預防吸菸 利用情形都與無菸校園意見有顯著正相關。重要他人吸菸行為與無菸校園意見呈現負相關。五、預測無菸校園意見之重要變項有:吸菸知識、反菸態度、拒菸自我效 能、相關訊息、支持性環境。這些主要的預測因素又以反菸態度影響最大。The purpose of this study was to understand the opinions and the related factors of smoking-free campus of senior high school students. The study was mainly based on the questionnaire survey. The samples were selected from the students of Ta Ming Senior High School in Taichung. After the survey which used the stratified random sampling method, this study collected 502 available samples. Through compiling and statistic analysis of those samples, five significant findings were presented as follows: (1) Most of the samples had correct knowledge about the damages caused by smoking. Their anti-smoking attitudes were relatively positive. They also had a higher degree of self- efficacy of anti-smoking. They were very supportive of the idea of smoking-free campus. (2) People on this study showed a positive attitude toward the opinions of smoking-free campus. However, the rating was low when we asked about "the difficulty in promoting the campaign of smoking-free campus." People thought those regulations tended to be too tedious. There were 6 percent of students who considered those warnings and smoking-free slogans ineffective. (3) The degree which research samples obtained information about smoking-free campus and the Tobacco Hazard Control Act was just medium. And they hoped they could get more information from some correlative articles, magazines, formal courses, lectures, and the internet. (4) The variables which showed a positive relationship with the opinions of smoking-free campus of the senior high school students were students' sex, grade ranks, smoking behavior, smoking knowledge, anti-smoking attitudes, self-efficacy of anti-smoking, supporting environment, the obtaining of the correlative information and the situation of the prevention of campus smoking. The smoking behavior of some important persons would also show a negative correlation with the opinions of smoking-free campus. (5) The important factors influencing the prediction of the opinions of smoking-fre反菸態度吸菸知識拒菸自我效能高中生無菸校園Anti-smoking attitudesSmoking knowledgeSelf-efficacy of anti-smokingSenior high school studentsSmoking-free campus高中生對無菸校園之意見與其相關因素研究The Study on the Opinions of Smoking-Free Campus and Related Factors for High School Students in Taichung County