陳學志HSUEH-CHIH CHEN盛致妤2019-08-282014-7-152019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0001A02101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88821本研究以陳學志等人(2012)依據漢語組字規則資料庫建立之三階段漢字字本位教學模式第三階段漢字創意精緻化教材為研究材料,主要目的在發展並探討此教材之適切性及此教材運用於教學與漢字筆畫數多寡對以華語文為第二語言學習者漢字學習成效之影響。分為兩個研究,研究一以34名學習華語文兩年以上之英文母語者為研究對象,針對漢字創意精緻化教材進行評定,研究工具為英文線上評定問卷,以李克特式五點量表作為填答之評定方式,預期結果為漢字創意精緻化教材對於目標字之字形、字義的聯結具有關聯性(五點量表評定分數皆達到三分以上)。研究二為2(筆畫數高低)x2(漢字創意精緻化教材、反覆抄寫教材)的二因子混合實驗設計,以共23名不同國籍背景之精通英語的華語文初學者為研究對象,針對研究參與者進行實驗前測,實驗結束後進行立即與一週後的延宕後測,測量工具採用實驗目標字編製的字義識記作業及字形辨識作業,進行二因子混和變異數分析。研究一顯示,漢字創意精緻化教材與目標漢字之字形字義的聯結度之五點量表評定分數達到三分以上,顯示精緻化教材與目標字字形字義之間具有良好關聯性;研究二發現:漢字筆畫數多寡與不同漢字學習教材(漢字創意精緻化教材與反覆抄寫教材)之學習成效有交互作用效果,多筆畫數漢字在漢字創意精緻化教材之策略情境中之延宕字義識記學習效果優於反覆抄寫教材,少筆畫數在創意部件精緻化教材之策略情境中,延宕字義識記學習效果與反覆抄寫教材無顯著差異。而主要效果則顯示:不同漢字學習教材對於學習者之學習效果有差異,無論在立即學習效果或延宕學習效果,漢字創意精緻化教材的字義識記作業及字形辨識作業正確率顯著高於反覆抄寫教材。而漢字筆畫數多寡對學習者之學習效果皆無顯著差異。綜合研究一與研究二的結果可知:漢字創意精緻化教材本身具聯結字形字義的功能,將此教材運用於漢字教學時具有良好學習成效,顯見創意教材有助於CSL之漢字字形辨識與字義識記。Based on the Chinese orthographic database established by Chen et al., the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Chinese Character Materials:Creative Elaborate Mnemonics of Chinese orthographic database, strokes of Chinese characters on CSL learners. There were two parts in this study. First part takes 34 English native speakers who had learned Chinese at least two years before as sample, and evaluated Chinese Character Materials (The Creative Elaborate Mnemonics.) Second part takes 23 participants who also know English very well as sample to investigate the impact of Chinese Character Materials (The Creative Elaborate Mnemonics), simple or complex strokes on effect of Chinese character learning. First part showed that the point of association Chinese character association picture and the meaning of the characters is over 3 in 5 point scale. Second part takes 23 CSLs who had learned Chinese less than three months before as sample showed that the Chinese Character Materials (The Creative Elaborate Mnemonics). Second part shows that the effect for learner is significant better than that with Characters-writing condition. However, the effect of simple or complex strokes on CSLs Chinese learning is not significant difference. There is interaction between the Chinese Character Materials (Creative Elaborate Mnemonics) and strokes in delay meaning-test. The effect of complex strokes learning on Chinese Character Materials:Creative Elaborate Mnemonics condition for learner is significant better than that with simple or complex strokes condition. In main effect, the result of Creative Elaborate Mnemonics to CSLs is significant better than Characters-writing condition. Accordingly, materials itself can link character-form and meaning together. Through Chinese Character Materials:Creative Elaborate Mnemonics, learners can further understand the Chinese characters. This study demonstrated that the effect of Chinese Character Materials:Creative Elaborate Mnemonics can be improved the way of memory coding. This study also verified the Dual-coding theory, and highlighted the importance of writing in Chinese character learning.創意精緻化教材漢字學習以華語文為外語學習者Creative Elaborate MnemonicsChinese character learningChinese as Second Language (CSL)漢字創意精緻化教材之發展評定及對以華語文為第二語言學習者之學習成效研究The development and evaluation of Chinese Characters Materials (Creative Elaborate Mnemonics) and the learning result to Chinese as a Second Language Learner