蘇淑娟Su, Shew-Jiuan鄭伊婷Cheng, Yi-Ting2019-08-292018-08-052019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060323002L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94114地質公園源於聯合國教科文組織的倡議,核心價值包含地景保育、環境教育、地景旅遊及社區參與,期待能利用地景保育與促進區域的社區經濟,達到環境與社會永續發展的手段,以地質和地景為基礎,發展出對自然與文化環境和社會內涵做為生活環境維護的方式。臺灣地質公園透過借用其前四分之一世紀就開始的地景調查以及社區營造,地質公園的推動其實已有良好基礎。援剿人文協會與金山社區發展協會,皆為燕巢泥岩惡地地質公園的在地社區組織,雙雙成立於1990年代,當時台灣在追求經濟成長狀態下,造成台灣整體社會生態的惡化,兩個組織在自身原有的理想之下,加上地質公園概念與活動的影響下,形塑出一套特有的人與環境關係,似乎也紮下在地永續發展概念的落實。 本研究引用紀登斯結構化理論的概念,探討燕巢泥岩惡地地質公園前述在地組織的發展歷程,並了解分析社區在特定的時空發展的脈絡中,受到哪些結構力量制約與促動,也關心在地居民的行動如何影響社區產生改變,以如此由下而上的在地力量,產生地質環境與地景的保育、實踐在地環境教育與生態地質旅遊等永續發展行動。The concept of geopark is initiated by UNESCO (United Nations Education Science and Cultural Organization). Its core values are landscape conservation, environmental education, geo-tourism and local participation. Geopark is a tool for achieving sustainable development by the implementation of its values. Although Taiwan’s geoparks started late, there was solid foundation for their promotion. Both landscape inventorying and community building policy a quarter of century ago were the critical foundation. The UNESCO’s initiation of geopark seemed to be top-down but its idea was to inspire the local people to mobilize their own program for environmental protection and socio-economic development. Therefore both structural and agency elements are important to understand how a geopark has worked to act and to transform its local community. This research utilizes the concept of Giddens structuration theory to investigate the developmental history of the two associations of Yen-tsao in order to understand how they evolve and how they transform themselves. To understand the means of the local forces from bottom-up and the means of the national and county programs, this paper uses literature review, qualitative interview and participant observation to find out how the two associations have conducted themselves to become part of geopark community and be changed by the concept. Further, this paper examines and analyzes how the Yuan-jiao Humanist Association and Jing-shan Community Association work together and work to involve more forces into the geopark affairs.結構化理論社區參與泥岩惡地地質公園燕巢Structuration theorylocal participationYen-tsao Mud Volcano and Badland GeoparkYen-tsao燕巢泥岩惡地地質公園的社區參與Community Participation in Yen-tsao Bad Land Geopark