葉榮木蔡俊明Zong-Mu YehChun-Ming Tsai吳柏翰Bo-Han Wu2019-09-032013-8-292019-09-032011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698730322%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97255視障人士搭乘大眾交通工具(公車)時,面臨許多難題,其中最主要的問題就是無法得知迎面而來的公車車號。目前視障人士能解決的辦法,不外乎是請求旁人協助或手拿自製的公車車號板讓駕駛注意,但上述辦法皆不穩定且變動因素甚大。因此,基於影像處理技術的蓬勃發展,本研究改變以往只採用固定式攝影機處理的方式,利用“可攜式眼鏡型微攝影機”,在皆非固定的情況下(例如:背景、角度、車號等等),輔助視障人士即時識別公車車號,並以語音輸出告知其資訊。本研究採用主動搜尋與辨識,在不降低準確率的情況下提升系統整體速度。透過事前的分析歸納,直接擷取出輸入影像中感興趣的顏色範圍,並將其轉為二值化影像降低其資料量,再搭配設計的形態學遮罩來確保公車車號的完整性,且透過連通成份分析並挖取出車號區域,送入 MS MODI 做辨識,最後藉由 MS SAPI 在公車停靠前以語音的方式輸出。Blind people face many problems when they take bus. The major problem is to recognize an approaching city bus. The solution to this torment at present is to ask others’ assistance or to raise a sigh on which the destination is written for appealing bus drivers’ attention. But there exists much unreliability in fore-mentioned solutions. Because image processing is a highly developed research area, in this research, we adopt a mobile eyewear digital video to replace a traditional fixed one to help the blind recognize the bus numbers with vocal message. This research adopts proactive identification for fast response without harm to accuracy. Through beforehand analysis, a block with wanted colors is focused from input video. Then this data proceed with an adaptive binarization method for simplification and Morphology mask for integrity. Bus numbers can be obtained from the analysis with connected component and recognition of MS MODI. A vocal message will be launched with MS SAPI before bus stops in the end.移動物偵測前景擷取光學字元辨識MS SAPIMotion detectionOCRMS SAPI利用可攜式眼鏡型微攝影機輔助視障人士即時識別公車車號Helping the blind to identify city bus numbers with the mobile eyewear